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June 2: Gerald Anderson #MakingItPossible

Gerald Anderson’s granddaughter, Amanda, played a very special role in his life. Amanda’s wedding day was nearing and she wanted nothing more than to have her papa (as she called him) walk her down the aisle on her wedding day. As Gerald’s diagnosis…

Gerald Anderson’s granddaughter, Amanda, played a very special role in his life. Amanda’s wedding day was nearing and she wanted nothing more than to have her papa (as she called him) walk her down the aisle on her wedding day. As Gerald’s diagnosis progressed, the wedding was set to take place at the Misericordia Hospital in Edmonton where he was being cared for. Amanda’s wedding day dream became a reality and her papa, Gerald, was able to guide her down the aisle on her special day. This is a truly inspiring story that shares how despite Gerald’s diagnosis, with the help from the Misericordia Hospital, the ALS Society of Alberta and Gerald Anderson’s friends and family, this special day and life lasting memory was made possible.