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June 17 - Dale Block

June 17 Dale.png

We can’t believe it’s already day 17 of ALS Awareness Month! Today, we are hearing from Dale Block.

“Two years into our diagnosis, we can say that we are making the best of our time.  With the help of our family and the ALS Society, we have been able to take a number of trips to places all over the world.  The Society has lent us a variety of equipment or has arranged for it to be available on the other end of a trip.  Various family members have taken holidays with us and even our caregiver was able to come on one trip. This has made it possible for us to deal with all our needs on a travel and daily basis.  The clinic in Calgary has been second to none and the ALS group has been a great and compassionate support emotionally and has helped us to connect with other clients who truly understand.  All these new connections are invaluable and we are so very grateful for them.  With care from professionals, organizations, the ALS Society and our friends and family, we are able to enjoy as many of our days that we can and make memories that will be with us forever.”

Thank you so much, Dale, for sharing your Making It Possible story with us.