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June 23 - Brent Adams

June 23 Brent.png

For the 23rd day of ALS Awareness Month we are featuring Brent Adams. Thank you Brent for sharing your story.

I was diagnosed with ALS in 2013 but had signs of the disease two years before this. I kept losing my balance and falling. It has been a slow processing of this disease, that has been a blessing and a curse depending on what is happening at that time. I’ve been very fortunate with having the support of the ALS Society of Alberta and the ALS Clinic at South Health Campus. I would never been able to deal with all the changes this disease has made to my life. Every change has given a new challenge to figure out how to deal with it. At first it was walking sticks, then a walker, manual wheelchair, scooter, and now a power wheelchair. These changes and equipment have not been easy to adjust to but with the patience and understanding of the ALS support team the transition has been easier. The latest and greatest equipment has been my new power chair. It has given me the freedom I never thought possible. It took me a while to learn to control it and is has left a lot of marks on the walls and baseboards to prove it. I have discovered the use of the lift and tilt of the power chair. I can now get into the upper cupboards where all the snacks are kept. I can use the microwave and now I can finally barbeque. I haven’t been able to cook my own steak for many years. The ALS Society provided me with a ramp to our back deck so I can get on the deck with my power chair. This might not seem like much but it is everything for me as I can enjoy the backyard barbequing with our friends. These little treats make all the difference with not allowing this disease to take over your life. It’s also been great having the support of family and friends who are on this journey with me.