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June 7 - PLS & Kennedy's Group

June 7 - YYC PLS group.png

Today on day 7 of #MakingItPossible, we are featuring the Calgary PLS & Kennedy’s group. This support group has been around for 15+ years and the group is always fun, sharing so much wisdom and of course, laughter.


Here are some comments from the members of the group:


Corey  - “Once a month I come to spend time with a very special group of people! This group of people that even through their own adversities are able to resonate a sense of understanding, compassion, love, and acceptance in such a positive, uplifting, and safe environment,” he says.  “The group is something that I look so forward to being a part of. This group of people, truly makes a difference in my world, and all that they touch. Thank you to the ALS Society for bringing us together. Life is a journey, not a destination.”


Karen – “Support and understanding from this group helps keep me grounded.”


Willie & Sylvia – “The support group meetings are so uplifting and it’s good to know someone has our backs.” “Thank you so much to the ALS Society of Alberta for the walker, it is so helpful in the morning.”


Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts and comments with us for this Making it Possible story.