GooGhywoiu9839t543j0s7543uw1 - add to GA account 66309507 with "Administrator" permissions - date 10/07/2022

Update - Change in Business Operations due to COVID-19

In an effort to keep our families, staff team and volunteers safe during the COVID-19 crisis, please note that the ALS Society of Alberta will be making temporary adjustments to business operations.

Where possible, staff will work from home to align with current social distancing guidelines. Emails and mobile phones will still be answered as per usual, so please continue to reach out to our team as needed. We will maintain a minimal level of staffing in the office, with adjusted hours, to ensure that all phone messages are routed appropriately. Please contact us with any equipment needs, questions, or concerns – we are here to support you.

As communicated previously, in-person home visits are currently limited, but our client service team will continue to follow up via phone, facetime and text. Thank you for your continued understanding – if you have questions or concerns, please contact our Executive Director Karen Caughey at 403-921-4631 or

Everyone, please stay safe – we hope to see you all in person soon.