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June 6: John Tuckwell #MakingItPossible

John spent a month in beautiful Tobago last spring. Living with ALS, John relied on a cough assist machine which was kept on his night stand. John claimed that the “cleaning staff” knocked the cough machine off his table, asking if the ALS Society of Alberta would be able to provide him with a replacement. The Society shipped a replacement cough assist machine to his sister in Toronto who was on her way to spend time with John on his vacation in Tobago. Although John claims that the “cleaning staff” knocked over his cough assist machine, our suspicions lead us to think that it may have been caused by the rum punch you can see John and his friend enjoying in sunny Tobago! The ALS Society of Alberta and John’s family and friends helped to make his vacation stay in Tobago comfortable, accommodating and possible! #MakingItPossible

June 3: Wayne Erickson #MakingItPossible

Wayne Erikson is passionate about birds and to photograph them in nature. His friends know him as “warm”, “kind” and always inspiring others to be better. After Wayne was diagnosed with ALS in 2015, his life changed quickly and he was no longer able to hold his camera the way he had before. His friend Jill Routhier, spoke to Sherwood Park’s Alberta Birds of Prey Foundation Director, Colin Weir, about how they could arrange to share the beauty of the bird sanctuary with her dear friend, Wayne. Wayne was unable to travel, so Colin offered to take the birds to him. Colin and the birds headed to Morinville, AB  where Wayne lived,  to spend the day with Wayne. With his diagnosis, Wayne rarely gets to spend time outdoors. This was a special day for Wayne, as he spent an afternoon on his back porch with Colin, who spoke with him about his knowledge of birds and nature. This was a freeing and life changing experience for Wayne and for the first time in a long time, he felt “freedom”. Colin Weir, Jill Routhier and The Alberta Birds of Prey Foundation made this touching experience possible for Wayne Erickson. 

June 2: Gerald Anderson #MakingItPossible

Gerald Anderson’s granddaughter, Amanda, played a very special role in his life. Amanda’s wedding day was nearing and she wanted nothing more than to have her papa (as she called him) walk her down the aisle on her wedding day. As Gerald’s diagnosis…

Gerald Anderson’s granddaughter, Amanda, played a very special role in his life. Amanda’s wedding day was nearing and she wanted nothing more than to have her papa (as she called him) walk her down the aisle on her wedding day. As Gerald’s diagnosis progressed, the wedding was set to take place at the Misericordia Hospital in Edmonton where he was being cared for. Amanda’s wedding day dream became a reality and her papa, Gerald, was able to guide her down the aisle on her special day. This is a truly inspiring story that shares how despite Gerald’s diagnosis, with the help from the Misericordia Hospital, the ALS Society of Alberta and Gerald Anderson’s friends and family, this special day and life lasting memory was made possible.

Introducing ALS Awareness Month - June 1: Erin Serack #MakingItPossible

Continue reading Erin's story below;I can still vividly recall a question from a job interview I attended when I was about 19 years old; “Do you consider yourself to be a lucky person?” I remember pausing briefly before replying “No, I don’t.” The i…

Continue reading Erin's story below;

I can still vividly recall a question from a job interview I attended when I was about 19 years old; “Do you consider yourself to be a lucky person?” I remember pausing briefly before replying “No, I don’t.” The interviewer then asked me “What makes you say that?” to which my response was “Well, I’ve never won any contests or the lottery…I’m really not lucky at all!” The interviewer then spoke again, “We don’t believe you need to win the lottery to be considered lucky. We believe if you’ve had a good upbringing, a loving family, a roof over your head, food on the table, access to education, and freedom to pursue the things you want in life, you are lucky.” It was a moment of awakening for my ego-centered 19 year old brain, and I’ve reflected on those words almost every day of my life since.

The truth is, I was very lucky, and have continued to be extremely fortunate throughout my life. I have a loving and supportive immediate and extended family. I was able to attend University after high school, and have had the opportunity to work in a variety of different careers until I settled on one that I found fulfilling. I have been given numerous opportunities with my company to develop and grow in my career, one of which relocated me from Saskatoon to Calgary three and a half years ago. I have been fortunate enough to travel to different countries and experience different cultures (though my list of places yet to go is still long!). Most importantly, I have been extremely fortunate to have developed incredibly strong friendships over my lifetime, some going back to grade school, and some as recent as this past year, since my diagnosis.

ALS Research Forum

On Saturday and Sunday, the Society held the 2016 Research Forums in both Calgary and Edmonton. The Calgary forum was hosted by Dr. David Taylor, Director of Research at ALS Canada, and Dr. Lawrence Korngut, Director at the ALS and Motor Neuron Disease Clinic. The Edmonton forum also welcomed Dr. David Taylor, and included Dr. Sanjay Kalra, Professor at the Department of Medicine of the Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute. 

Thank you to everyone who participated. The forums featured some of the most cutting-edge research taking place in the ALS community.

FlatBroke Reunion Benefit for ALS

On Saturday April 30, friends and family of Larry Kopra, a former guitarist for the Alberta Band, FlatBroke, gathered for dinner and dancing at the Strathcona Legion in support of the ALS Society of Alberta. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended and to those who helped plan this spectacular event. 

Liberal MP Mauril Bélanger to be the Spokesperson for the 2016 WALK for ALS

Mauril Bélanger, Liberal Member of Parliament (MP) for Ottawa-Vanier, has taken on the role of National Honourary Spokesperson for the WALK for ALS, a national fundraising event hosted by the provincial ALS societies across Canada. Bélanger will help to raise awareness, channel hope and raise funds for imperative client support services in each province and ALS research across Canada.

“I am pleased to be the National Honorary Spokesperson for the WALK for ALS, to draw attention to the ALS cause and to have the opportunity to make a difference,” said
Bélanger. “I call on everyone to join me and to participate in a WALK in their community, so that support for people with ALS is available today, and critical research is funded providing hope for the future.”

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive and always fatal neurodegenerative disease.
Bélanger was diagnosed with ALS in November of 2015, shortly after being elected as the MP for Ottawa-Vanier. Although ALS has taken away his ability to speak, it has not taken his commitment or passion for helping others.

In 2015, the Alberta WALKs for ALS raised over $1,007,030. Nationally, the 2016 WALK for ALS hopes to raise $4 million. Of funds raised, 60 per cent are allocated toward client support services in the hosting province. In Alberta, this includes home visits, the equipment loan program, support groups, referrals, and support for children through the Support for Champions program. The remaining 40 per cent fund the ALS Canada Research Program, allowing for investments in the most promising research across the country.

To learn more about the WALK for ALS, to donate or to register, please visit

Meet the 2016 Camrose WALK Ambassador

"Hello, my name is Ken Knight. It was a privilege to be asked to be the 2016 Camrose WALK for ALS Ambassador.

I was diagnosed with ALS in January 2015; while this was a devastating event, I have been lucky to meet some wonderful and caring people over the past 17 months. The staff at the ALS Society of Alberta have been a great support for my family and I. They are a very special group of people who do everything they can to make clients' lives as easy as possible. While this disease is very debilitating, the equipment I have received from the Society has made it possible to live life as fully as possible.

Join us on June 25 for a fun day with family and friends raising funds to help research and ease the lives of people who have been diagnosed with this illness."

A heartfelt message for Betty's Run

Ruby Padbury, dedicated fundraiser and granddaughter of Client Services Coordinator, Jane Rivest, created a poster with a heartfelt message for this year's Betty's Run for ALS! It reads:

"Betty's Run is not just running, it is also for our loved ones, and it shows them that we care."

Thank you so much for all that you do, Ruby!

Calgary office on the move

Our Calgary office has moved! On March 17, we officially moved into our new home at 7874 10 Street NE. We are so excited to now have combined office and warehouse space, where we can house all of the equipment we have been able to purchase due to the generous support of our donors. Thank you to everyone who helped make this move possible. This new space will greatly help us in making each day the best possible day for people living with and affected by ALS.

2016 Edmonton WALK Pub Party!

We had a fabulous time on Saturday at Devaney's Irish Pub for the 2016 Edmonton WALK for ALS Pub Party! We had over 130 people in attendance, including Edmonton Eskimos Ryan King and Grant Shaw - who graciously donated a signed CFL game-used football for our silent auction! Devaney's also donated a pair of tickets to the March 14 Oilers game vs the Predators. We had a 50/50, a prize draw with assorted refreshments and tools, and we sold tickets for our upcoming afghan and quilt raffle on WALK day! We are thrilled to announce that we raised over $2,800! Thank you to everyone who attended, and to our WALK Ambassador, John Orfino, for giving such an inspiring speech!

2016 Edmonton WALK Kick-off Brunch

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us at the 2016 Edmonton WALK for ALS kick-off brunch last Saturday. It was such an uplifting day, with speeches from WALK Coordinator, Alanna Supersad, Provincial WALK Sponsor, James H. Brown, 2016 WALK Ambassador, John Orfino and long-term member of our Board, Cathy Martin! We had a great time playing the Price is Right, hosted by Client Services Coordinator, Brandee Fossen. We also played a game of "Name the Hub-Scrub, to give a name to our famous sanitising machine! After many different votes, a combination of two ideas was decided upon: Al's Autobody - Degerminator! It is always so exciting to start another WALK season. If you would like to attend a WALK near you, visit to register.