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June 26 - Fred Gillis

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On day 26 of ALS Awarness Month, we wanted to honour Fred Gillis who lived with ALS and was our Edmonton WALK Ambassador in 2017. Fred's wife, Lana wanted to share a few words about Fred and his #MakingItPossible story.

"Fred's commitment was passionate and strong, he was all about finding a cure, he knew it was too late for him, but didn't want it to be too late for others. Fred was still able to participate in research trials, even though we moved to another province. He was all in, and didn't want ALS to win...and in his mind he won!"

Team Gillis made it to the top 10 fundraisers in Ontario and family members supported his team in our Edmonton Walk.

Lana continues to stay connected to the ALS Society.

"Everyone is so supportive of each other, this never ends and will always be the way it is. Death ends a life, but not a relationship. I only have two words to describe the ALS Society, love and support."

Thank you Lana, for sharing with us.