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June 1 - Dave Williams

June 1 - Dave.png

June 1 officially marks the beginning of ALS Awareness Month across Canada.  To honour our incredible community, we will be sharing a story each day from someone living with or affected by ALS.

Upon being diagnosed with ALS, Dave joined the Board of Directors of the Society in 2007 and served as a board member for twelve years. Dave led with wisdom, expertise and compassion. During the most significant growth of our organization, Dave’s leadership was instrumental to the Society. 


One of his many achievements was the awareness he brought to the Alberta Government about the ALS cause. He brought the voice from a family perspective to all levels of Government including Ministers from various portfolios.

We are so honoured that Dave dedicated his time and energy in making a difference in the lives of people living with ALS and their families.

We will forever remember the difference Dave made in the ALS community.