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June 29 - Suzanne Ward


Today, we are featuring Suzanne Ward on day 29 of ALS Awareness Month. 

Suzanne was diagnosed with ALS in June of 2018, though she says she started experiencing symptoms one and a half years before that. She recalls that it started with losing some functions in her thumbs then it progressed to her arms and then her legs. Suzanne says that since her diagnosis the ALS Society of Alberta has been there for her providing support and equipment  to help her realize her vision that “…today is the first day of the rest of her life.” She speaks passionately about wanting to make her challenges her strengths. Suzanne fondly speaks of how much she appreciates the support of her husband Mike, her son Sean and his family, and her friends. When she speaks of this, it is evident that she is ever so grateful.

Since diagnosis Suzanne has truly embraced one of her favorite sayings “Attitude is Altitude.” She says that attitude is everything and her commitment to being positive is evident in so many ways such as bringing her Christmas spirit to the Holiday ALS Support Group last December and in her willingness to use new equipment to facilitate adventures. In the fall she took a ‘Go Chair’ chair to the Women’s Show at the BMO Center.

She has recently acquired an accessible van and is thrilled that it will allow her to visit her Son and his family in Bearspaw. Most recently, Suzanne and her friend went to William Watson Lodge where she enjoyed much time exploring the pathways. On that very same weekend she left William Watson for the day to attend Betty’s Run and then headed back out to Kananaskis!

Suzanne’s positivity and enthusiasm is inspirational!