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June 4 - Sylvia Tensfeldt

June 4 - Sylvia.png

On day four of ALS Awareness Month, Sylvia Tensfeldt shares her inspiration with us.

“Receiving a diagnosis of ALS in any of its many forms has a devastating effect on anyone and everyone in their family.  Suffering its effects each day is much like a death by a thousand cuts.  Each day or week you notice yet another activity, which you have so long enjoyed, has been taken from you.  Without the support of family and the ALS Society, this would be so much worse.  The Society has been instrumental in ensuring that I, and many others, can continue to reside in our homes and lead a somewhat independent life.

                The support of the Society and its members has also shown me that there are talents that have been silenced or taken which I think should be honoured.  Before my limited artistic talents are taken from me, I want to produce something that could perhaps provide the Society with much needed support to continue their good work and to also honour talent that I saw in other members. 

                I am therefore taking the opportunity to highlight a photo taken by a member that resonated with me.  I have designed an embroidery project that I hope to complete by late fall which represents the feeling that while our physical abilities may be silenced, the spirit can still soar.  In return, I hope that people will support the Society by sponsoring this project with pledges.  The entire picture contains approximately 40,000 stitches and my goal is to raise at least $1 per stitch.  There is a link attached where you could pledge amounts to your ability (i.e. 1 cent per ten stitches ($40.00).   Once completed, I will auction the framed work to encourage further funds.  Please help me achieve my goal for project I have called “The Spirit Still Soars”.”

For more information and to donate to Sylvia’s project, click here: