GooGhywoiu9839t543j0s7543uw1 - add to GA account 66309507 with "Administrator" permissions - date 10/07/2022

We are OPEN.

Clients, Families, and Friends,

We wish to inform you that with the new restrictions put in place by AHS on 08/12/2020 we continue to maintain programs and services at both the Edmonton & Calgary locations. We remain dedicated to our mission to make each day the best day for those living with or affected by ALS.

If you find yourself in a situation in which you need to pick up or drop off equipment/items at either of the offices, we ask that you call ahead of time so that we can coordinate your visit with an available staff member.

Calgary Office : (403) 228-3857

Edmonton Office: (780) 487-0754

Support groups will continue to be held online at this time. For more information please email

We are here for you, please stay safe and reach out if you have any questions or concerns

ALS Society of Alberta