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Making it Possible - Dennis Bernales

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This is the story of Dennis Bernales, who was diagnosed with ALS in late 2017 and sadly passed away in July of 2019.

In his life, Dennis was strong, positive, and a person full of determination. You never saw a flicker of doubt nor an inkling of tears, he was the kind of man who did everything he could for his family. When he was diagnosed with ALS, perhaps he had the moment of doubt, wondering “why me?”, because he was still in his early 40s. He was so young and wanted to be with his family as much as he possibly could be, only to learn he was terminally ill.

But as the days flew by, the far-too-short months passed, he was still able to hold on with all his strength. Day by day he was slowly lifted up by family and friends that were with him every step of the way. In such a time, he made memories with many people including those at the ALS Society of Alberta, who were with him and his family every step of the way.

Thank you to the ALS Society for making it possible for him to continue on even while his days grew short.