It has been five years since Dr. Karla at the University of Alberta diagnosed me with ALS. Not knowing how bad this disease actually is and with the little knowledge I had about the disease, the first time I met with the ALS team at the UofA Kaye Edmonton Clinic, I was asked questions like can you still eat, breath, talk and look after yourself - then I knew what I was facing.
I’ve always had a love for motorcycles and the outdoors, which gave me the opportunity to see this beautiful country from the seat of a motorcycle and from the top of a mountain. Fortunately for me the progression of my ALS journey has been relatively slow. However, as a result of this disease I’ve had to step back and/or give up on being able to do the things that I love which has had a significant impact on my life.
With all of this in mind I would like to give a special thanks to the all of the people and support systems in my life who have had a significant impact on my journey with ALS, and continue to inspire me to be thankful for the life I have lived and to make the best of each day I have left. This includes: the ALS Society of Alberta; the ALS team at the UofA Kaye Edmonton Clinic and South Health Clinic; Edson, Cochrane, and Rockyview Homecare; and the support of Mikael Backlund with the Calgary Flames who made it possible for me and my family to go the Flames / LA game. Most importantly, I am thankful for the love of all my friends and family.