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Making it Possible - Mike Faucher

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The ALS community is full of incredible, inspiring people. Mike Faucher has come up with innovative solutions to make each day the best possible day while living with ALS, and shares them in his video series on YouTube. Check it out, you will definitely be impressed and in awe.

My name is Mike Faucher, and I have had a long journey with ALS. Started out like everyone - a deer in the headlights of a brutal diagnosis. One consultation advised that being a heavily muscled man, it may take longer to progress. That was nearly thirteen years ago and less than half of me is left, but that’s the stubborn part.

I would not be here without my family, friends and my ALS family who have helped me adapt to an ever-changing reality. They have helped me communicate, building some gadgets to help me cope and try to have a few laughs along the way. Thirteen years ago there was no Eye Gaze, no Glassouse or anything affordable to communicate with, and that I think scared me more than anything - not being able to say I love you to the people I cared about. But the ALS Society has provided me with that gift.

I have met so many fine people and have watched them on their journey. The frontline staff at the Society always ask how I am? Well obviously not as strong as you, not as strong as my family or friends and caregivers, but l get by with their help.

I have a video to show you, the third in a series of trying to stay ahead of the curve. l just hope it will help you in some way. Mike Faucher