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Making it Possible - Bob Couch


Bob Couch

I was diagnosed with PLS (Primary Lateral Sclerosis) in 2013. Prior to diagnosis, I noticed I was starting to drag my right foot; since diagnosis I have been getting progressively worse, to the present-day status of problems with feet, legs, arms, hands and lately trouble with speech! This has been a progressive disease that has brought and continues to bring very frustrating and trying times.

Through these tough times, however, I have had help and encouragement from the following:

My wife, helpful in all aspects of my life.

The ALS Society of Alberta, which has provided and continues to provide me with equipment and advice to make my life as easy as possible (I’m very appreciative of their efforts).

The ALS Clinic at the South Health Hospital - their ability to bring all the doctors nurses, technical support etc. into one day’s visit is very much appreciated as it makes the experience much less stressful.

The Calgary PLS & Kennedy’s Group - this monthly gathering is a great way to share time with others in similar heath difficulties, where we are able to laugh at some of our ongoing adventures.

My family, friends and strangers on the street have all been so very helpful in coping with everyday trials of what now are normal challenges.

With the help, patience, and understanding of all the above, they have made all my health transitions and everyday living as easy and fulfilling as anyone could expect. Thank you all!