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Making it Possible - Rick Howard

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Rick Howard

On January 24, 2018, my husband Rick received the news that he had ALS. Though he had been having symptoms of something for a year, it was a surprising blow to hear the diagnosis. Gradually losing the ability to move through his world has been the most difficult part of this ALS journey.

The ALS Society of Alberta and Alberta Health Services have been there for both of us with assistance and support. Walkers, wheelchairs and power wheelchairs have been a boon. Mobility is so important, and living in a small town in a country setting makes long distances a fact of life. Everything from doctors’ appointments to family gatherings have become harder and harder as it becomes increasingly difficult for Rick to get in and out of the car and then into his wheelchair. Enter some good friends that are in the auto mechanic industry - they made it their mission to find a wheelchair accessible van for Rick, which as it turns out is a rather difficult task! But they did it, and the look on Rick’s face when they rolled up with that beautiful van was precious. He is mobile again and we have the ability to go where we need to and where we want to again. Help is always around and we are very grateful for it.