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GivingTuesday 2022: Making The Journey Possible

Our client Sheldon Watt shares his GivingTuesday story, highlighting how the ALS Society of Alberta and the Equipment Loan Program are invaluable on his journey with ALS.

My name is Sheldon Watt, and I was diagnosed with ALS in the summer of 2021.  I had just recently retired from my career as a Parts Person, and was looking forward to enjoying a more relaxed pace at our home in the little community of Carbon.  However, this would be my new journey now.

By the end of 2021, I had noticed considerable decline in the strength in my arms.  Within the first quarter of 2022, I was starting to use aids to walk, and by mid-year, I was using a wheelchair on a regular basis.  That is where the ALS Society and their equipment loan program came to our aid.

They have provided me with numerous pieces of equipment at no cost such as an adaptable wheelchair, wheelchair lift, bath aids, stair lift, just to name a few.  We are so thankful for this program!  An ALS diagnosis is a costly journey for families that often includes home modifications, a wheelchair adaptive vehicle as well as full-time care assistance.  Having the support of the ALS Society and their valuable programs is so important for families navigating this difficult and challenging journey.  I know we would be lost without them.  Thank you so much for supporting the ALS Society on Giving Tuesday - we appreciate any support you are able to provide to this program.