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Making It Possible Day 13 - Patricia Latremouillie

Patricia did a Making it Possible for us in June of 2019. Our Client Service Coordinator, Michelle, thought of her for another Making it Possible because “to me, she is someone who sees the possibilities for new experiences and adventure despite the many challenges that living with ALS presents.”

Her message to others living with ALS is “Don’t let ALS hold you back from living your life.” Patricia describes herself as someone who has always had an adventurous spirit, despite having to ‘make adjustments’ to plans because of ALS.

Michelle recounts her initial meetings with Patricia, just after her diagnosis: “When we were chatting, Patricia reflected on how very disheartened and down she felt after receiving her diagnosis. She was initially diagnosed with PLS in 2013, but in 2014 her diagnosis changed to ALS. However, she says that she realized she could still do the things that she loved.”

When asked what enabled her to carry out her plans for adventure, she said hard work, perseverance and the support of her husband Paul, her family, and friends. She also emphasized that having equipment, such as the power wheelchair on loan from the ALS Society,  allows her to continue having  adventures. Below are just a couple of adventures that she has had in the last year.

Last summer, she and her husband Paul went camping in a tent. She said that she wanted to “chill and take in the fresh air,” and share the experience of camping with her grandchildren. Due to her limited mobility, Patricia would not be able to get up off the ground if she were to sleep in a sleeping bag on the tent floor, so, instead, she slept on a sleeping cot inside of the tent. For the trip, she brought along a power chair and walker on loan from the ALS Society, and with the help of her friends and family, including her grandchildren, she was able to explore the campsite and enjoy “chilling in the fresh air”!

This past March Patricia marked her 70th birthday with her first trip back to the UK in 8 years. One of the highlights of the trip was a joint birthday party for herself and her sister, as the two mingled and celebrated with over 100 guests. She said that she and her husband Paul were treated like “the King and Queen”! She was excited to mark the occasion of her birthday with another special event. She was absolutely delighted to share ‘Devonshire Cream Tea’, a very special British tradition, with family and friends.

Upon returning to Calgary, the adventures have continued. Despite feeling discouraged by some difficulties with their accessible van, Patricia continues to see possibilities and create moments. She used her loaned power wheelchair and booked a day at the zoo through Access Calgary, with her daughter Katrina and grandkids.

As for upcoming adventures…Patricia is hoping to camp with her family and friends once again this summer. We love to see the way that Patricia’s unbreakable spirit and her loaned equipment continue ‘making it possible” for her!