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Making It Possible Day 23 - Heather and Ruth Cole

Heather’s journey with ALS started 22 years ago on April 19th, 2000, when her mother Ruth Cole was diagnosed with bulbar onset ALS. Ruth once said, “This disease will kill me, but it won’t kill me today.” The disease quickly took her ability to speak and swallow on her own, but Heather recalls her mother taking these times in stride.


“The ALS Society was extremely helpful in getting us equipment and aids to communication and Jane Rivest was a godsend!  My mom, her friend, and I went to the William Watson Lodge in Kananaskis for a weekend.  Her colleagues from the Calgary Zoo came to the house to sing carols for her the Christmas before she died, so about 20 people were crammed into the living room.  She loved it.  We had a chair lift installed and my niece treated it like a carnival ride, which gave my mom a giggle.  And we had a terrific home care attendant, Janice, who looked after her, so she could stay at home through the course of her disease.”


Ruth went on to be the Betty’s Run ambassador in 2001, participating with her husband of 36 ½ years, her two children Heather and Bruce, and two grandchildren. She continued to fight before passing away on January 26th, 2002. Heather has since participated in every subsequent Betty’s Run, 22 years strong. She currently lives in Saskatoon, and has travelled with her friend (also named Heather) several times to participate, as well as donating thousands of dollars across the years.


“I’ve never lived in Calgary since I’ve attended the run, so I’ve always travelled to get there. And I’ve always had people who donate from other cities, depending on where I’ve been living at the time. One year, I had just arrived from a trip to England, so did the walk with terrible jet lag!  I know there are lots of people who are just as dedicated as I am about raising funds for Betty’s Run and taking part every year, even after losing their loved one(s) to ALS.

I had a cancer diagnosis just before COVID started, so I’m being extra careful about gatherings, hence the virtual run again this year.  I’m doing fine, but exercising caution.”


We’d like to give a heartfelt thanks to Heather Cole, her family, and all those who have donated to her and her team over the years. Her constant support and dedication in the face of adversity is truly inspiring.