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Making It Possible Day 25 - Michelle Savard

My name is Michelle Savard and I have had the privilege of working with the ALS Society as a Client Services Coordinator for 4 years. I was drawn to the opportunity to be a part of a team that serves families on their journey living with ALS.

I was compelled by the opportunity because my mom had ALS. When I reflect on that time, one memory stands out above all others. My sister and I were helping my mom, and, as it sometimes happened, we were struggling to find the best way to help her. Despite the awkwardness and our struggle, the three of us broke into giggles that started with my mom. Memories of those light moments, despite all the difficulties that ALS brought, forged a lifelong belief in the power and impact of a moment.

So many moments that families have created and shared stand out in my time with the ALS Society. The moments and their impact can be hard to describe, it’s a feeling, and it’s palpable.

It’s receiving a picture via text of a client joining the family dog walk again with the scooter they just received from the Society and looking so very happy. It’s hearing the joy in someone’s voice when they tell you they could BBQ again, for the first time in 2 years, because of the functions their power wheelchair has and the ramp that was recently delivered. It’s hosting a support group and hearing someone say that, since their diagnosis, they assumed they could not travel again, but after hearing in Support Group how others managed it, they felt more hopeful about it. It’s those times when ALS Society team members, and vendors, and other services, like Home Care and the ALS Clinic, work together to get someone that piece of equipment that they need urgently.

It’s the feeling of community, support, and care.

I have learned so much from the families we serve, about their journeys, about how to hold space, about how be of help, about taking in the moments.