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Quonset Days 2022

Quonset Days has been such an awe-inspiring and hugely beneficial event since its inception in 2010. The Biemans family (and countless amazing volunteers) have put together something truly special: hundreds of people dancing, singing and drinking to some authentic Canadian performers, with every cent raised being donated directly to The ALS Society of Alberta. This years’ festivities resulted in a whopping $65,000 donation, making the total from all Quonset Days over half a million dollars! So many people came together to make this possible, including attendees, sponsors, volunteers, vendors, and board members. We are thankful for each and every one of them, and so are the families we support. Quonset Days is not only a beacon of positivity on its own, but the funds raised from each event go towards drastically improving the quality of life of so many Albertans.

We can’t wait for next year! Thank you, Quonset Days!