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Making It Possible - Day 28: Board of Directors

Today for our Making it Possible series, we would like to recognize the dedicated members of the ALS Society of Alberta Board of Directors.

Thank you to the ALS Society of Alberta Board of Directors, for leading the Society to provide the best possible supports for our families across Alberta and fund ground-breaking ALS research.

Our incredible leaders are: Nancy Lyzaniwski, Cathy Martin, Gord Banting, Andrea Orzech, Kimberly Howard, Pamela Keenan and Tom Gee.

This dedicated group of individuals gives countless volunteer hours to lead the Society to “Make each day the best possible day for people affected by ALS.” Their constant and unwavering support guides our team to do their very best for our families.

We are so thankful for their service – in the words of Margaret Mead…

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”