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#MakingItPossible Lori Huolt - June 2, 2024

Kindly Support the ALS Journey...

My journey with ALS started March 12, 2019, I had been experiencing some weakness and reoccurring pain with my right hand. My doctor and I had tried several things including scheduling an appointment to check if carpal tunnel was the possible cause - it was late Fall 2018 and I wasn't too concerned with my appointment being two months away as we were heading to Mardi Gras and could have surgery for carpal tunnel if need be when we returned. During this time my husband noticed that the side of my mouth had a slight droop and my speech was slightly slurred. Upon our return, my doctor found an available appointment to visit a neurologist for some additional tests. March 19, 2019 is the day our world changed. At first it was the initial shock of being told "you have ALS and start to prepare for major changes in your life". At this point we did not understand what an ALS diagnosis truly meant and we started to educate and prepare ourselves for our journey. Fast forward to 2024, ALS has completely changed our lives. I would say that I have always preferred to give than to receive in life, ALS has definitely changed that. My family is my rock that keeps me smiling, as I rely solely on my family and friends for my day-to-day needs. 

Our two granddaughters are the loves of my life and we have a special relationship that impresses me everyday, they understand that it takes Grandma some time to type questions and answers as we have conversations and how they are so patient and loving as they ask lots of yes and no questions, they fill my heart with so much love!! 

Finally, ALS does not get all of me, we choose love over sorrow! We live in reality over self-pity! I will never allow ALS to change that in our lives. Please, love one another as we do, and always remember...LIFE IS GOOD!!