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Making it Possible

Making It Possible Day 5 - Strings For A Cause: Louis Sousa

Leading up to our dad’s diagnoses we noticed  whatever neurodegenerative disorder he had was progressing rapidly. From June 2020 to May 2021, Louis went through a lot of changes within his body; these included his ability to speak, and his ability to swallow which eventually led to drastic weight loss. In May 2021, Louis made the decision to receive a peg tube to give him the nutrients he needed.

The muscles that were responsible for breathing were becoming compromised. In early 2021, he was introduced to the BIPAP machine. The Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure is a type of ventilator that helps with breathing by pushing air into the lungs opening them up. When it became apparent that he was having a difficult time breathing, on his own, he was urged to use the BIPAP as often as possible. He struggled getting comfortable with it.  The lack of use of the machine made it nearly impossible for his lungs to filter out the carbon dioxide from his body causing some cognitive and behavioural changes. He was introduced to oxygen in July of 2021 (this can be dangerous for ALS patients due to their lungs not filtering properly).

With his continued struggle with the BIPAP and the added oxygen he eventually went into respiratory failure on July 9 of 2021. We thought that was it, we thought that was the day that we would lose him, but thankfully he woke up the next day in the hospital. We were blessed with another 2 months with him. 

We can’t attest to what it’s like to watch someone go through limb onset because our dad never lost his mobility; however,  in his final days he did become too weak to walk and hold himself up. Losing our dad was something we thought we had been preparing for since his diagnosis.  When we lost him we found out that we were nowhere near prepared nor would we ever have been. He was the heart and soul of our family; he was the best man we had ever known. We will miss him dearly until we meet again.

Making it Possible Day 4 - Lori Huolt: Camrose Ambassador

My personal journey began on March 14, 2019. I had just returned home from a lovely trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. I had an appointment booked with my neurologist the next day. I was still in holiday mode and on top of the world. As we did my tests I was excited to shares stories about my vacation and a new granddaughter. Life was good.

Then I received the news... you have ALS. At first, I was numb then I realized this was my new reality. As I shared my news with family and friends I felt a strong feeling of love and support. "This is now going to knock me down without a fight," I thought. I am going to live life to the fullest every day.

At first, I was having slurred speech and losing the use of my right hand. In 2021, 2 1/2 years later, I have lost my speech and have weakened arms and legs. My determination keeps me going. I was fortunate to be selected 1 year ago to participate in a promising clinical study that reduces progression by up to 33%. I believe I can beat the odds of the 2 to 5-year life expectancy.

I am so blessed to have a wonderful family. My husband of 34 years is by my side, his love and support are unbelievable, the kind of love every girl dreams of. My two grown sons and daughter-in-laws are in constant contact with me or see me every day and always followed by "I love you". They always make me laugh so hard I cry. Then there are my 2 granddaughters. My favorite words are "I want to go to Gamma's house", they are my everything.

My friends are always there for me, texting to check up on me or just to send me their love. Sooo... that is why my life is good even as I battle this horrible disease. As most of you know there is no cure or ALS at this time as we continue to raise awareness and help fundraise research for this very underfunded disease, I hope one day we find the cure we so desperately need.

2022 UPDATE:

I have been blessed to add 1 year to my personal journey. So much has changed…I have lost speech but have gained a communication device. I can no longer walk but have gained a wheelchair and a van to go wherever I want. I have lost the use of my hands but have gained the helping hands of my loving husband, family and friends. It’s not what we lose in life but what we can do to make our lives better!

My Motto is and always will be to stay strong, stay positive and never ever take anything for granted. We are all blessed.

Making It Possible Day 3 - ALS Coffee Group North

It’s 1:30pm on the second Friday of the month. One by one little boxes appear on the screen, with their names in the bottom left corner, giving the only clue to who’s behind the darkness that precedes their reveal. For the regulars this group is kind of a second family. I can sense a slight feeling of anticipation to see who will actually appear on the Zoom screen, because doctor’s appointments, a poor sleep the night before, or the general busyness of living with ALS make it hard to always show up. In short order we have our answer. There are 8 clients today. Zoom has been a necessary transition because of the pandemic, but it’s also afforded people the ability to connect with others across Northern Alberta. Vermillion… Barrhead… Edmonton… St. Albert… Morinville.

There’s Nancy in her kitchen… then Colleen with stylish wallpaper as her backdrop... Richard with the safe blurred background so we can’t see how messy his kitchen is. Jim comes on and in hushed tones, says goodbye to his wife who is on her way out the door. She leaves the frame, but then does an about face and leans into the picture with a big hello to the group. There’s a refrain of hellos! Dennis and Lorne are regulars. Lorne is there with his BiPAP on, making it a little hard for him to talk, but not to listen. Dennis, our 2022 Edmonton Walk Ambassador, is leaning in, trying to read the tiny lettering of everyone’s name, welcoming everybody by name. Morgan shows up, a little reserved, since it’s only his second time, but that quickly fades as the group draws him in. The always affable Danny comes last, rounding out the group with his wit and smile, bringing a boost of energy to the group.

After the round of greetings subsides someone asks where so-and-so is? “I think they said they will be vacationing in BC this week,” Colleen says. The regulars know each other. And the new people are not strangers for long, just family that haven’t met yet. It’s a community of kindred spirits that have gathered from across the province courtesy of technology. A group of individuals that are as different, as they are the same. That likely never would have crossed paths. Save they all share one common, terrible thing: an ALS diagnosis. And that has forged a bond not often seen.

We take turns going around the group, sharing our updates from the month. One person shares that for some reason every time he brushes his teeth, he cries. Someone chimes in, “me too!” The rest nod in solidarity. A discussion around mental health ensues. “Maybe we should get a speaker to come in to talk about it?” “Great idea! I see a counselor I was given through the ALS Clinic who would be perfect!” Several others concur as they have seen the same counselor.

One of the women shares how when her hands aren’t working right, she is driven in circles, “is this ALS? Or arthritis? Or is it something else?” There’s a chorus of agreement. “It happens all the time!” Richard says he feels like a dog chasing his tail, “Is it the meds? ALS? Something I ate?”

Someone shares they are thinking about buying an accessible van and asks for advice. Even though they are still mobile, they want to be prepared. Jim gently suggests that maybe they’re “overthinking it.” It’s so hard to prepare when ALS doesn’t follow a set course and goes where it goes. Maybe you’ll never need it? Morgan remarks that ALS is so different for everybody. Lorne offers what worked in his situation. Nancy empathizes, “If it’s any consolation, my mind always jumps ahead.” It’s hard not to.

One of the guys asks if swollen feet are common and that leads to a range of helpful, and some amusing remedies, thrown into the pot of communal wisdom. He takes notes and promises to report back next meeting on what worked.

Danny says, “this is what makes this group special, everyone’s eyes are different.” They see solutions that you might not see. Jim says that after he was diagnosed, he felt like “a bug swimming in a bowl of water.” Looking for anything to grab onto, but not able to climb out. “This group is fantastic,” he says, “it helped me take it one day at time!” Richard says this group has become a safe place. “This group is a second family, where you can talk about things you might not want to talk about with you own family.”

Time flies and before you know it, it’s time to say goodbye. Farewells are said and one by one the screens disappear. This family of ALS warriors have helped each other make it possible to carry on and fight another day.

Making It Possible Day 2 - Bill and Angel Redisky

Bill is a carpenter by trade and has always loved the outdoors. Fishing, camping and travelling have always been high on his list. We spent a ton of weekends with our four kids quadding in the mountains or fishing the riverbanks.  Bill and I started travelling in 2005 and have always tried to get a trip in every year. 

Bill was diagnosed April 6,2020 - right at the beginning of Covid. The time in his life when it's so important to spend time with family and do everything on " your bucket list". We had planned to renew our wedding vows that September and go to Hawaii for a second honeymoon, but Covid SHUT IT DOWN. As ALS progressed - as did Covid .

We became very discouraged. By the summer of 2021, ALS took Bill’s ability to walk, feed himself or do any of his daily care needs. It was then that we decided that no matter what, we had to get it done. Time was not on our side. 

After 35 years of marriage we renewed our wedding vows on July 3,2021. The theme of the wedding was “Moments and Memories". We knew we wouldn't be able to rebook the condo in Hawaii as it was not wheelchair accessible, so we started looking into every all-inclusive resort in Mexico, a place that we have loved for years. 

We faced so many hurdles with equipment, timing, and treatments needing to be done, but it finally all came together in September of 2021. With help from family, friends and the ALS Society we were set to go. 

The trip was the best gift we could have asked for, as it gave us both a chance to have some normalcy back in our lives. We spent our days at the pool where Bill could stand alone for the first time in months with no support. We dressed up for dinner every night. We smelled more flowers and enjoyed more sunrises than ever before. As stressful and as hard as it was to get it all put together it was the best thing we could have done. Bill and I got to step back and " be ok" even if it was for just a little while. It's all about the Moments & Memories…


Angel Redisky

ALS Awareness Month - Calgary Herald

As ALS Awareness Month kicks off today, the Calgary Herald has published an article about our efforts in the coming weeks, including the 26th annual Betty’s Run for ALS. We’re honoured to have this chance to highlight the families in Alberta affected by ALS, and our mission to support them. To read the article in full, please visit the Herald Website Here.

Keep an eye out this Saturday for the article in print as well!

Making It Possible Day 1 - ALS Awareness Month Feature

To kick off ALS Awareness Month and our Making it Possible series, we are excited to share with you a segment on the ALS Society of Alberta done by Global Edmonton’s Trending program.

This video features the stories of three of our families – the Williams family, the Rommel family, and the Spelliscy family. 

Please take a few moments to watch this video and share with your friends and family. And thank you to the Global Edmonton team for taking the time to learn about ALS and raise awareness about the disease.

Making it Possible Day 29 - Trevor Bradshaw


My name is Trevor Bradshaw and I am proud to be called the Ambassador for the Red Deer Walk for ALS for 2021.

I was diagnosed with ALS in July 2019, but looking back, the symptoms presented themselves much earlier. I was riding my beloved Triumph motorcycle when a deer hit me. My left leg became numb. Thinking it was a result of the accident and hard work my back had endured over the years, we thought it was a pinched nerve. Then my energy level and physical strength became very weak. I couldn’t accomplish what I used o during a work day. It took one more year before my diagnosis through the ALS Clinic in Calgary. I was 62 years old.

I was a heavy duty mechanic with Finning for 14 years then started a construction company and gravel pit. The work was very physical but I enjoyed it immensely. Customers became lifelong friends. After the diagnosis, I began selling off equipment and focused on spending time with my family and friends.

Before COVID, I got to travel to Arizona, doing a motorcycle trip with friends. Took my family to Nova Scotia and an incredible trip to Iceland. Exploring Banff, Jasper and Cypress Hills has also allowed family time. But just enjoying coffee or happy hour with friends and family is equally important to me.

I have met this illness with a sense of humour, courage and determination. Having the support of the ALS Society and Clinic has been exceptional. You only have to mention an issue, and it is quickly resolved. They have installed lifts in our home and various medical equipment which will allow me to stay in our home longer.

With this support, I have been able to spend my energy on living life to the fullest and what means the most to me. Please support this worthwhile cause to help end ALS.

Making it Possible Day 28 - Lorne McCree

My ALS limb onset diagnosis came in June 2019. Symptoms started in the early spring of 2018. During my regular gym exercising my weightlifting protocol was subtly becoming more difficult, particularly exercises involving my legs. In the early summer of 2018 while speed walking on the gym track, suddenly my right foot was not working properly. Continuing that exercise in the normal fashion was not possible. At the time I blamed it on my new shoes.

During the course of 2018 balance issues became a problem and my right leg was not allowing me to walk normally. It became difficult using stairs and to stand up without leaning against a wall or using handrails.

We lived in a two storey house and decided to move to a bungalow. The move was made in September 2019.

As things progressed my family doctor did not have a diagnosis. She referred me to a neurologist. In January 2019 the neurologist performed nerve conduction tests, the results of which were normal. She arranged for an MRI which was done in May 2019. By this time my ability to walk needed a cane. More testing was done and then referral to the Kaye Clinic was made. My appointment was in June 2019. More nerve conduction testing was done and the result was the diagnosis of ALS. This was the beginning of my relationship with the neurologist and the Kaye Clinic. It was also at this point information about the ALS society was given to me. My registration with the society happened in July.

My wife and I have six grandchildren, two in Fort McMurray, two in Grande Prairie, and two in Saskatoon. It really goes without saying what our passion is, but we love our grandchildren. In order to see our grandchildren on a regular basis we traveled a lot, but that is what we liked to do. Also another passion of ours was visiting the Temple Garden Spa in Moose Jaw, Sask every year, twice a year .

My other passion was my work. My love of airplanes had me working at the airport of a diamond mine in the NWT. My primary role was directing aircraft landing at and taking off from the airport. Sometimes it could get busy because getting in and out the mine could only be done by air. There are no roads.

My diagnosis resulted in my last tour of duty at the mine in 2019. Our last visits to see our grandchildren, and visit to the Spa, were in the early winter of 2020. By this time climbing stairs and long drives were a challenge because of a lack of energy and poor mobility. Now our grandchildren visit us, unfortunately hampered by Covid, but they do the travelling now.

My new passion is playing scrabble on facebook with my mom, my sisters, my brother, sister-in-law, and other friends. Another passion is Facetime with my grandchildren when they are not visiting.

My wife has become my primary caregiver. Her role has become progressively more work. My oldest son initially moved to Edmonton to provide assistance. My three other sons are very supportive and as time has gone on they visit regularly to help out. My brother built a wheel chair ramp in my garage which now allows me to get out of the house because using stairs is not a possibility any more.

Support from the ALS Society has been phenomenal. The support provided has been beyond my expectations. They are always willing to discuss my issues and always ready to help resolve my issues. They have provided every piece of equipment needed to help me live my best. Wheelchair is my exclusive method of mobility now. The ALS society arranged for ceiling lift tracks installed in my living room, bathroom, and bedroom in order to get in and out of the wheelchair.

Another important thing they do is contact me regularly to see how I’m doing and offer more help if it’s needed. It has been outstanding service provided by outstanding and caring people. Something very special about them is the coordination of `coffee group’ meetings on zoom. This has allowed me to make contact with other people with the same condition. This is a positive aspect for my life and my deepest and sincerest thanks go out to the society.

Support also comes from AHS, AADL, and the Kaye Clinic. In early 2020 breathing while lying on my back was a challenge. The clinic arranged for me to get a BiPAP. The Kaye Clinic also stays in contact with me and offer any help if needed.

My own research into ALS led me to join two facebook groups, Whole body healing for ALS and ALS Natural Healing (Holistic) and an international online organization, This research also led me to develop a treatment plan. This plan includes a supplement protocol involving numerous supplements, a program involving acupuncture, physiotherapy, massage therapy, iv therapy, removing mercury fillings from my teeth and removing teeth that had root canals.

There is no way of knowing for sure if any of the plan has helped but it worth trying at least until the medical community, with their now exhaustive research around the world, can find a cure. Riluzole was part of my treatment plan for a year but uncomfortable side effects forced me to stop.

At the beginning of my diagnosis I was involved in a drug trial. The drug was pimozide.

My plan for the future is to never give up! My attitude is positive and I surround myself with positive people. Stress reduction is very important as well as elimination of anger.

I recently received this quote from a friend of mine. It is so appropriate.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison

Making it Possible Day 27 - Pam's Story

Living With ALS - Pam’s Story – A Digital Story by Mike Lang

Pam Keenan, new ALS Society of Alberta Board Member, shares the story of her husband Chad’s ALS journey all through the eyes of our talented friend, Mike Lang.

”Mike has worked with hundreds of patients, family members and health care providers, from across all injury and illness groups, to help them create short 3 min Digital Stories of their experiences.”

Please take a moment to watch to Pam’s Story. Her family’s raw and honest story is one that will move you in so many ways. Thank you, Pam, for sharing it.

#MIP #MakingItPossible

Making it Possible Day 25 - Sylvia Tensfeldt


"They" say that if life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Sometimes life has felt like I have been required to make lemonade, lemon chiffon pie, lemon pound cake, lemon squares ... When the diagnosis of ALS was received, it felt as if a lemon landslide had occurred and I had run out of inventive ideas to deal with the problem and frankly, I was sick of lemons. Unfortunately, the lemons had landed and there was no alternative but to accept the situation and know that there would be more lemons to deal with in the future. As a single mother and sole proprietor, having always done things by my own handiwork, I thought I might have to deal with this all on my own

and the thought was daunting.

But as I stepped back from the thoughts that this was all bad, I did become aware that you can rely on others in your "universe" who would lend a hand, even if it was only to help consume some of the lemonade, lemon pies, lemon cakes etc.

They could even suggest more uses for lemons or come play with you in the lemons. Who thought it possible? The truth is, that it does take a village to help navigate all the channels that come with any difficult diagnosis because we do not have all the answers or recipes ourselves.

My stitching has always been a meditative process for me and I wished to try to give back in some way to the Society who has been there to help. I have found as this particular project has progressed, that I have more helpers out there than even I have appreciated and I hope upon its completion their generosity will have been properly honoured and that whomsoever takes ownership of the project will see that it takes many to make it work for all of us. Afterall, could

you imagine a world without lemons? Think of the bland seafood, the boring desserts and the unrefreshed atmosphere ...

- Sylvia

Sylvia has graciously started her own very successful fundraiser for the ALS Society of Alberta, “It Takes A Village”. So far she has raised just under $9000 (and counting…)

Here’s how it works:

Visit :

For a donation of $250 + you can choose one of the options and have your name/initials or company name/initials added into the art piece

Choose a building/structure from “Sylvia’s List”

All donations, no matter the amount are accepted (and Sylvia is VERY thankful)

There’s only a few spots left! Once the piece is finished, we will be auctioning off the art. All proceeds will go to the ALS Society of Alberta to help families living with or affected by ALS right here in Alberta.

Making it Possible Day 24 - Ariella Mihova

My mom, Gail Rauw, was diagnosed with ALS in July of 2018. She (“Nana”) had 6 beautiful grandchildren, whom she cherished. One of her granddaughters (my daughter), Ariella, was inspired to make a difference by raising both awareness and money for the ALS society. For Ariella’s 6th birthday (March 2019), she asked for donations in place of birthday gifts and raised over $630. For Ariella’s 8th birthday (March of this year), she once again asked for donations, and celebrated with a virtual painting party with friends (her Nana was a talented painter). Sadly, her Nana passed away that day. Ariella continued her advocacy mission, and reached out to the ALS society to support her endeavour. They quickly provided books, balloons, and bracelets, which Ariella brought to her class and distributed. She also started an “ALS club” for any classmates who wanted to know more about ALS. Ariella’s love for her Nana shines bright in many aspects of her life, and she is motivated to spread awareness of ALS.

My mom was an absolutely amazing grandma, mother, wife and friend. We miss her tremendously. We are so grateful for the support we received from the ALS society throughout her illness, as well as the support we continue to receive.

Making it Possible Day 23 - Belle DeZutter

Belle DeZutter – A Digital Story by Mike Lang

Build Community. Discover Wisdom. Inspire Change.

The 2021 Edmonton Walk To End ALS Ambassador let's us in on how her ALS story began, how she has dealt with the diagnosis, and her life since, all through the eyes of our talented friend, Mike Lang.

”Mike has worked with hundreds of patients, family members and health care providers, from across all injury and illness groups, to help them create short 3 min Digital Stories of their experiences.”

Please take a moment to watch to Belle’s Story.

#MIP #MakingItPossible

Making it Possible Day 22 - Friends of Southpark Cove


One of our lovely clients, Christine, was able to be a part of a beautiful community in Stony Plain, Alberta. This community, Southpark Cove, truly embraced Christine during her illness by surrounding her with positivity, fun and comfort.

Recently, our dear friend Christine passed away. The staff of Southpark Cove immediately reached out to us, looking for a way to honour her life. Staff, tenets, family and friends all came together to raise money for the ALS Society of Alberta in her memory, but that wasn’t all. They asked the Society to create a framed memorial piece for the entertainment room of their complex, the same room Christine spent so many days enjoying the company of everyone at Southpark Cove.

Christy was able to visit Southpark Cove just last week to accept the donation and drop off the new memorial.

Thank you Southpark Cove for providing such a positive environment and for being a wonderful group of friends.

Making it Possible Day 21 - Tanis Meginbir: Devil's Head Coffee


Growing up with my brother, Chad, was a great adventure. He would push the limits on activities, make anyone smile with his goofy humor or be a shoulder to cry on. He had a heart of gold and would make lasting memories with anyone he met.

My parents would joke that on holidays the first thing we needed to do was find out where the nearest hospital was. There was always a good chance we would be spending time there due to Chad’s love of exploration and how “clumsy” he was.

As we grew older, Chad was my biggest fan. Being 8 years apart, he was my support system, a true “big brother” (especially being 6’4”) and was always there to make me smile or calm my nerves during uncertain times. In 2017 my husband, Chris, and I took a risk and decided to open our own business, Devil’s Head Coffee Roasters Ltd. Chad and his wife Pam were always there for us to test ideas with; problem solve and were interested and supportive in our new venture, even though he did not like coffee.

When Chad shared his ALS diagnosis to us, it was a shock. I still remember the day sitting on my couch in 2018 and listening to the news while holding my young son. Chad was strong, but I could see he was still processing the news himself. But in typical Chad fashion he made us smile, laugh, and promise to live life to the fullest with him. We agreed to be adventurous, make every moment count and spend as much time together as we could. We made lasting memories that I will always remember. Chad will continue to inspire me throughout my life to always find the joy, even during difficult times.

Making It Possible Day 20 - Allan Simon


Me and My ALS


My first inkling that something was wrong was in the fall of 2018. My voice had become gravelly and I seemed to constantly have phlegm in my mouth and throat. Then in the winter I began to limp slightly although I had no pain. I called my family doctor who suspected I might have suffered a slight stroke. So I went to the emergency department at Foothills; they quickly ruled out stroke and called in a neurologist. Right away, I knew. Of course the neurologists are very careful before issuing a diagnosis – they finally did so in August – but I knew.


Since then, my disease has followed the predictable path: as I write this in April of 2021, I have completely lost the ability to speak. I can drag myself a few steps with the help of a walker, but I have fallen a few times. I have trouble chewing and swallowing my food. My breathing and my upper body functions have so far been only slightly affected, but of course I realize it's a matter of when, not if, these too will fail me.


Reading this, you might think that I am miserable. In fact I'm not. I am 75 years old, and I have carried the ALS gene all my life, without knowing. For many people with this gene, the disease manifests itself at a much younger age. If my fairy godmother had said to me when I was 50 “Buddy, I'm sorry but you have ALS. But, you know what, I'll give you another 25 years so you can see your children grow up and establish their own families and careers, so you can enjoy your grandchildren,so you can travel the world with your wife who you love so much, so you can find enjoyment and recognition in all aspects of your life, how about it?” I would have gratefully accepted!


I am actually lucky that the covid restrictions have coincided with my illness: I can participate in the meetings of my fraternal organization and I can play duplicate bridge with my friends because these happen online. If there were no covid, I would be cut off from these activities.


My condition has been immeasurably alleviated by the support of my wife Meredith, my children Nycole and Roland and my granddaughters Jillian and Jessica. I would be remiss if I didn't especially thank the ALS Society of Alberta and the Alberta Home Care program. They have both been amazing, not only supplying me with things like a wheelchair, a walker, a transfer bench, an iPad with the “Predictable” program and many other aids, but doing so in a friendly and unbureaucratic manner – they never let me feel like I'm imposing, although I must be!


One photograph shows Meredith, me, Mikael Backlund, Roland and his partner Allison at a Flames game. I am very grateful to Mikael for making this possible,we had a great time. The other has me on Beechey Island in Nunavut, a stopover on our cruise through the Northwest Passage, which had always been a dream of mine.

Making it Possible Day 19 - KIDCO

In 2007, Ken Renton from Kidco Construction responded to the need for support of families in Alberta affected by ALS. Mr. Renton immediately got behind Betty’s Run for ALS.

Every year since then, the Renton family has quietly supported the cause in addition to many charities. They have given more than $150,000 to support families living with ALS and fund much needed research here in Alberta.

Even after Mr. Renton retired, his daughter Danielle continued to support the cause and participate in the Run. They invite their entire staff to participate on the day of Betty’s Run.

The Renton family represent what community is about in Calgary. Giving back to the community has always been Kidco’s philosophy.

Thank you to Kidco for making is possible for Albertans affected by ALS.

Making it Possible Day 18 - Board of Directors

Today for our Making it Possible series, we would like to recognize the dedicated members of the ALS Society of Alberta Board of Directors.

Thank you to the ALS Society of Alberta Board of Directors, for leading the Society to provide the best possible supports for our families across Alberta and fund ground-breaking ALS research.

Our incredible leaders, Nancy Lyzaniwski, Cathy Martin, Gord Banting, Tara Pentney, Heather Haddow, Jim Robinson, Kimberly Howard and Pamela Keenan.

This incredible group of leaders led our Society through the last year, dealing with a pandemic that shook the world. Their constant and unwavering support was there to ensure we continued to make each day the best possible day for our families affected by ALS. All having been personally touched by ALS, their commitment to the cause is unwavering.

We are so thankful for their service – in the words of Margaret Mead…

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

Making It Possible Day 17 - Bernie Ward

Bernie Ward was diagnosed with Kennedy’s Disease in 2006, after noticing changes in his speech. The ALS Society and the support groups have been a great support for Bernie, especially during Covid with the move to virtual meetings, allowing him to participate more regularly. Bernie has shared his Making it Possible story via video, please watch it here.

Making It Possible Day 16 - Norma & Wayne Erickson


Wayne Erickson was diagnosed with ALS in 2012. During his diagnosis Wayne was known to share his personal experiences with those around him, teaching students and care staff about ALS and the needs of an ALS patient. He was the kind of person who always wanted to help, he was always able to be open and honest about his situation and his needs, making things very easy for Wayne’s caregivers to help him. If you asked any of the caretakers that worked with Wayne over the years to describe him, you would hear the same sentiment, “never grumpy, always the first to offer a solution”.

Wayne was a gifted artist, and photography is what he loved to do. If you were to take a look around the home of Wayne and his wife (Norma Erickson), you would see an array of beautiful wildlife photography, proudly framed and displayed on the walls for everyone to enjoy. One photo in particular, the snowy owl, became a bit of a symbol for Wayne and for the ALS Society of Alberta. The snowy owl represents freedom and flying high, something our families can surely relate too.

Norma, is also an artist and dedicated to her work. Norma has been quilting for over 35 years and has been making beautiful quilts for the WALKS to End ALS since 2015. In 2019 after hours and hours of hard work, the Eagle quilt was born, this amazing quilt was inspired by Wayne. Norma continues to keep Wayne’s legacy alive with her love of quilting. Each year, she creates a beautiful new piece for us during event season, to raise money for people living with and affected by ALS. Earlier this month, we were lucky enough to raffle off not just one, but TWO of Norma’s beautiful creations, aptly named, “The Twins”.