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June 14 - Warren Lafoy

Today we are celebrating the story of Warren Lafoy, an inspiring man with a positive outlook. Thank you Warren for your dedication in #MakingitPossible to make each day the best possible day!

"Since being diagnosed with ALS, I have been taken to the depth of my soul, my spirit is strong, it's actually stronger than it was before. Everyday brings a new challenge, the symptoms have hit me really fast and quick, ALS may steal my physical ability but it sure is not going to steal my heart and soul. I'm doing things now in slow motion and enjoying the things I love: sitting outside with nature, enjoying the birds, my family and friends. The ALS Society of Alberta and Homecare have blown me away with everything they have done for me. I'm grateful for how fast I have received equipment like a hospital bed, walker, shower chair and transport chair to make my life easier. Meeting and making connections with others through the ALS Society made me feel like I wasn't alone coming out with my diagnosis and new challenges in life. I feel like I'm not slowly dying but quickly living and my goal is to live the best life possible and make one person smile or laugh, then I have done my goal for the day!" - Warren Lafoy