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June 15 - Donna Strome

June 2, 2017 Mary Lou Poscente (12).png

Today we are celebrating our 2017 Red Deer WALK for ALS Ambassador, Donna Strome! Donna graciously accepted to act as our Ambassador, and represent the ALS community in Red Deer. Thank you, Donna for #MakingitPossible to spread further awareness in Red Deer! The Red Deer WALK takes place this Saturday at 9 a.m. in Kiwanis Picnic Park. For more information or to donate/register, visit

"Walking into the Neurologist’s clinic hoping to hear there was a solution to whatever was causing my symptoms and walking out with a diagnosis of ALS, was definitely not how I had expected that day to go. Even though I was a practicing Registered Nurse, and had worked on a palliative care unit helping others dealing with a terminal diagnosis, I felt totally unprepared to hear one applied to me. I am blessed to have supportive family and friends, and am thankful for a belief that in spite of the storms, I have much for which to give thanks. However, the reality of the situation and the gravity of the diagnosis of ALS did cause me angst. I had many questions and concerns about not only the quantity, but quality of my life over the next few years. The ALS Society quickly became another anchor in the storm. The Society, from Administrators to technicians to liaisons to volunteers and peers, have provided much needed and greatly appreciated support. “You are not alone; we are here to help” – words spoken to me during my first visit with the ALS Society. They were not empty words; the Society has played a vital role in navigating with me through the maze of needs and have provided not only moral and emotional support but many practical physical devices to assist my activities of daily living. I cannot thank them enough for the difference they are making in my life!" - Donna Strome