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June 12 - Andrew Debogorski

Today is day 11 of ALS Awareness Month, and we are sharing the story of Andrew Debogorski, and how he is #MakingitPossible to celebrate life's greatest milestones, including his beautiful wedding that took place in April.

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“On April 28, 2018, around 10 months after Andrew’s diagnosis, we married each other in the most beautiful church ceremony, in front of our dearest loved ones and supportive members of the community. The ceremony was incredibly uplifting and though we were surrounded by others, Andrew and I felt intimate with each other in this moment with God.

Following the ceremony was the reception, made entirely possible only by family and friends who completely planned the event from start to finish, making it a smashing success and everyone had an amazing time! It was no small event, with a guest list of 100 adults and around 30 children, and a massive potluck feast and sports bar turned into elegant reception venue! At the very end of the night, Andrew and I had a beautiful few hours together in our home and didn’t get to bed until almost 5am! This moment is one I will always hold in my heart and I thank God for every day. Andrew said the entire day had been like a “fairytale,” and continuously went on about how much he had enjoyed it. It’s only through the love and devoted support of our family, friends, and community, that we were able to make this day happen.

The ALS society of Alberta has been invaluable in terms of assisting with Andrew’s medical equipment, where unfortunately, the government of the NWT has not assisted, as ALS is currently not recognizable as an eligible disease to obtain extended health benefits. Most of Andrew’s daily needs are supported with equipment we’ve obtained through the ALS Society’s equipment share program, and our representative is always checking in to see how we’re doing and to offer us support in any way we can. We are so grateful for their support and it has made the biggest difference in preserving Andrew’s quality of life and dignity.”