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June 13 - Rick Meston

We continue with ALS Awareness Month with Rick Meston's #MakingItPossible story and becoming the Drayton Valley WALK Ambassador. 

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"I started showing signs of a medical problem early in 2016 but they became more serious by December of 2016. Over the next few months I went through many medical tests until November of 2017 when I was diagnosed with ALS by the neurologist at the ALS Clinic at the U of A campus. At the time I had no knowledge of the condition and didn’t comprehend what my doctor meant when he said it was the worst diagnosis I could get. As the condition has progressed with the destruction of all the muscles in my body, the loss of use of limbs and hands and the ability to breathe and the inevitable conclusion, I now know what he meant.

I must admit when the ALS Society approached me about being an Ambassador for their WALK, I was somewhat reluctant to have my situation out in the public. But I thought about all the support the ALS Clinic and Society offers and decided I should. The ALS Society through fund raising events like the ALS Walk supplies many things to make life better for ALS sufferers. Mobility aids like walkers, wheelchairs, porch and stair lifts, breathing devices and psychological help as well as funds for research that will someday hopefully find a cure for this terrible disease.

The love and support of my family and friends and the tremendous support of the ALS Clinic and Society helps me make the best of each day I have left.

Thank you."

Thank you Rick for sharing your story with us. The Drayton Valley WALK for ALS will be taking place this Saturday, June 16th.