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June 7 - Maria Dixon

Today we are celebrating Maria Dixon and her dedication to #MakingitPossible in raising funds for the Edmonton WALK for ALS! She has already raised nearly $900 for this cause. Read her story below.

"I first began seeing odd symptoms, it began with slurring of my speech and I began losing the use of my right hand and arm. That was July 2016. The beginnings started with many trips to Edmonton to see Neurologists. Still with no diagnosis I went o…

"I first began seeing odd symptoms, it began with slurring of my speech and I began losing the use of my right hand and arm. That was July 2016. The beginnings started with many trips to Edmonton to see Neurologists. Still with no diagnosis I went on the internet to find out where my symptoms fit. After going to medical appointments for five months I asked if it was ALS. They were surprised by my question! Therefore it was January 2017 that I was given a definite diagnosis. That's when my world turned upside down. There was no support system in my home town of Grimshaw to help me. So I made up my mind to move to Edmonton where I had a support system and was determined to make the best of it. It is very hard not to have family close by because it limits me for going out. I am determined to live the rest of my life to the fullest despite many challenges. Together with friends and family and support staff from the ALS Society and the Norwood Extended Care gives me the courage and hope to continue my journey living with ALS.

Thank you all for supporting and sponsoring my ALS WALK on June 9th!"