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June 8 - Glen Jarbeau

Today we are featuring Glen Jarbeau and his wonderful commitment to celebrating life and seizing every opportunity. Glen has been an exceptional advocate for the ALS Society of Alberta, attending the legislature to advocate for the best possible care and participating in media interviews. Just yesterday, Glen was interviewed by CBC Radio Active Edmonton to talk about his journey with ALS. Click here to listen. Read Glen's story below, specifically about how he succeeding in #MakingitPossible to attend his brother's wedding!

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"Three months ago I told my brother and sister in law I didn't think I would make it to the wedding, but my spirit is strong....and I got there! A big team of people made it possible for me to have the equipment needed to attend my brothers wedding in Calgary. I cried like a baby at the wedding and made everyone else cry too. Being with the people I love is kind of like a long goodbye or a long farewell. 

I have received excellent care from the whole medical profession and with the support of the ALS Society I'm able to stay at home to spend more time with friends and family. Although ALS is a relatively rare disease the needs of ALS patients are shared by many others. Most of us or those closest to us will need Homecare at some point in our lives. I appreciate the recent investment the government has put into Homecare and recently I met with Associate Minister Brandy Payne and thanked her for the great care and ensued a friendly challenge for her and her staff to spend a day every year with a patient!"