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GivingTuesday 2020 – Why This Year’s Campaign is so Important

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2020 has been a year unlike any other in our history.

And yet, ALS has not taken a break. It attacks without prejudice, without preference for race, gender, age or economic bracket. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, isolation, an unstable economy and fear of infection have been added to the already intense pressure of an ALS diagnosis, and what that can mean to a family’s health, future plans, finances, and day-to-day life.

The ALS Society of Alberta has not taken a break either – we have remained committed to our mission to make each day the best possible day for people living with and affected by ALS, and committed to our families despite the challenges of this year. The Society continues to be a supporter and advocate while also providing the equipment so vital through the progression of this terminal disease.

Since the start of the COVID pandemic we have fulfilled over 440 equipment requests across the province, providing new equipment, replacements and repairs while using alternate delivery service models to follow safety protocols. These pieces from our Equipment Loan Program are provided free of charge, to ensure support is available when needed. The cost of equipment borrowed by our families over the course of the disease can range from tens of thousands to well over $100,000 – and thanks to the ALS Society of Alberta, this cost is reduced to $0. We take this massive financial burden that can accompany ALS off their shoulders.

Our Client Service team and Support Groups have also been key during the crisis, with check-ins and groups taking place virtually. By moving these support groups and personal check-ins online due to COVID-19, the number of people participating has actually increased, as those in rural areas can now take part with those in urban centres. The sense of community, especially during these times of isolation, has been so important for our clients, their families and caregivers.

COVID-19 has unfortunately also had a serious impact on our finances as a charity. The cancellation or modification of our fundraising events in 2020 has left us with a revenue shortfall of over $500,000. Due to the careful stewardship of funds from our donors, we have been able to continue through the pandemic. However, looking ahead to 2021 we are planning new ways to raise money to ensure that we can continue to support our families. The need for new funds coming into the ALS Society is indeed critical, and thus GivingTuesday 2020 is a key campaign as we look forward to the coming year.

GivingTuesday is a global movement for giving and volunteering, taking place each year after Black Friday. The “Opening day of the giving season,” it’s a time when charities, companies and individuals join together and rally for favourite causes. GivingTuesday harnesses the generosity of people around the world to bring about real change in their communities. This year, the GivingTuesday goal of the ALS Society of Alberta is to raise funds to go towards our Client Service and Equipment Loan programs, while also using this time to come together as a community and share stories and support each other.

In the weeks leading up to December 1st, we will be featuring stories of some of our families, details on our programs, and even some contests. We hope that our community and friends will think of us on GivingTuesday to help us continue these programs that are so very important. As an independent provincial charity that receives zero government funding, the support of the public is imperative and so very much appreciated.

Thank you so much for your support! Please visit this page between now and December 1st to Donate, and share with your friends and families.