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GivingTuesday 2020

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GivingTuesday is a global day of giving that happens each year after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The “opening day of the giving season”, it’s a time when Canadians, charities and businesses come together to celebrate giving and participate in activities that support charities and non-profits.

This year, GivingTuesday falls on December 1st, and we will be providing lots more details about our campaign over the coming weeks. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages, or visit our link at CanadaHelps.

Today though, we would love to hear from you on why YOU support the ALS Society of Alberta.

Send us a short video or photo & statement explaining why you give, volunteer and support us in so many ways ( Of alternately, post it on Facebook or Instagram, tag us, and use the hashtags #GivingDayCA and #GivingDayALSAB. We will be compiling photos and videos and sharing stories over the coming weeks. We'd love to hear from you!