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Giving Tuesday - Making Possibilities: Mikael and Frida Backlund

Our generous friends Mikael and Frida Backlund are back for this years’ Giving Tuesday, reminding us that today is the perfect time to support your favourite causes.

If you'd like to learn more about our campaign, check out:

Have you or a loved one of yours benefitted from the Equipment Loan Program? Would you like to share your experience? Please send us a an email at

Giving Tuesday - Making Possibilities: Paul Dunphy

As a part of our celebration of Giving Tuesday 2021, here's a powerful client story from our very own Paul Dunphy! Paul recounts his diagnosis, and how the ALS Society of Alberta and their Equipment Loan Program helped him through this challenging time.

If you'd like to learn more about our campaign, check out:

Have you or a loved one of yours benefitted from the Equipment Loan Program? Would you like to share your experience? Please send us a an email at

Giving Tuesday - Making Possibilities: Marlene Darby and Rory

This year for #GivingTuesday we are featuring stories about our clients truly "Making Possibilities" with the help of our Equipment Loan Program.

If you'd like to donate or learn more about the campaign you can visit:

Here is our story of the day. Thank you for sharing with us Marlene!

My name is Marlene and I became the caregiver for my friend, Rory, who was sadly diagnosed with ALS in March 2020. Rory was devastated by this news, didn’t want to believe it at first, couldn’t believe it and it was hard to digest.

At first Rory’s symptoms were mild but as his condition seemed to get worse too quickly. We realized that he would not be able to use the stairs to where he was staying in the basement.

The ALS Society quickly arranged for stair lifts to be installed in the house so that Rory could use them to go up/down and be on the main floor. Here he was able to use his walker, also supplied very kindly by the ALS Society to move around the house.

Rory’s condition kept getting worse and the ALS Society were again helpful in providing a smaller stair lift from the garage into the house as there were 3 stairs from the garage into the house. So that helped. As Rory’s condition worsened we realized that he would need a special bed so that he would be able to turn in it without falling out. Again, the ALS Society provided this for Rory which helped as it lifted up for him to reach the ground without falling and then went down so that he could sleep relatively comfortably. It had side rails to prevent him from falling out.

Rory’s condition kept getting worse as the months progressed and we then realized that we needed assistance with his personal grooming. The ALS Society arranged for him to get personal care aides to come to the house for his personal grooming, washing him, helping him with showers, shaving, brushing his teeth, etc. This was extremely helpful as I (Marlene) being 73 years old was not able to do all of these things for Rory.

By August, 2020, Rory was almost unable to walk and lost the muscle in his legs. This presented another problem as he was barely able to get up from each stair lift and move to the next without falling. We all realized that Rory’s situation was progressing all too fast.

The ALS Society then arranged for a beautiful uplift recliner to be provided so that Rory could now sit in this recliner and was able to bring up the recliner to the point where I could help him stand up and use his walker. This was really very helpful as I would not have been able to lift Rory out of any chair. I then started to feed Rory in his recliner as he was not able to get to the dining room table.

By November 2020, Rory had to be moved to an assisted-living (and supportive-living) home, as the ALS was progressing too fast and I was not able to provide him with the proper care he needed at home.

In November 2020, the ALS Society did the most wonderful thing for Rory; they provided him with an Electric Wheelchair!! Unbelievable. This was very, very useful as he was not able to get around using his walker any longer.

Soon, Rory’s hands became unusable as the ALS progressed and his muscles were too weak. So the electric wheelchair became a very important asset for him. He still had to be lifted in/out of the electric wheelchair but this was done by the staff at the home. Because of his ability to use the electric wheelchair, Rory was able to access the Access Calgary Transit services and was able to go out into the beautiful garden for visits with family and friends.

As a gesture for my birthday last August (2020) I did a fundraiser for the ALS Society on my Facebook page and was able to raise $250.00 which I hoped was helpful. I wish I could have raised more.

More recently, this summer (2021) Rory has been able to come home for visits on the nice summer days we have been blessed with. He was able to see his beloved cat, spend time with Marlene and his neighbours, who have been in constant touch with him throughout his stay at the home. Many have even visited Rory when they could and some even visit him, which he enjoys.

I have to say that I was absolutely surprised and so very thankful for all the kindness, support and equipment that Rory received from the ALS Society. Without their help I am not sure what we would have done, as we could never afford any of the equipment provided which helped make his life a little easier and bearable.

To date, the ALS Society continues to help Rory with equipment, and support. We are forever in their debt and hope that they are able to continue their good work which is so necessary for anyone who is going through ALS. We can’t thank you enough.

God Blessing be with you all

Marlene Darby

Have you or a loved one of yours benefitted from the Equipment Loan Program? Would you like to share your experience? Please send us an email at

Giving Tuesday - Making Possibilities: Robert Corbeil

This year for #GivingTuesday we are featuring stories about our clients truly "Making Possibilities" with the help of our Equipment Loan Program.

If you'd like to donate or learn more about the campaign you can visit:

Here is our story of the day. Thank you for sharing with us Robert!

"When I was a schoolteacher, I used to be able to use my loud voice to give physical education instructions to students across the gymnasium, in French, English and Mandarin.

Unfortunately, when I contracted a genetic form of ALS, my voice became faint and hoarse. It became totally impossible to discuss with my 93 year old dad who is hard of hearing.

When the ALS Society provided me with a voice amplifier, I not only became able to resume phone discussions with my dad, but I have also been able to sustain longer conversations with friends. The voice amplifier has contributed to keep me connected with the word around me."

Warm regards,

Have you or a loved one of yours benefitted from the Equipment Loan Program? Would you like to share your experience? Please send us an email at

Giving Tuesday - Making Possibilities: Amanda Block

"Because of the Alberta ALS Society and because of the kindness of people who have donated to it, Dale and I were able to make the very most of the time we had together. We were loaned tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment which gave my husband the ability to function the best way possible during the various stages of his journey with ALS. I am so incredibly thankful for the generosity that made it possible for him to move, communicate, eat and breathe without missing out on life and without breaking the bank. Because of this support, he was able to enjoy his time with friends as well as take several trips with our family, giving him so much pleasure and leaving us with all kinds of very precious memories. Thank you, thank you, thank you, to all those who made it possible and to those who continue to make it possible for others."

If you'd like to learn more about our campaign, check out:

Have you or a loved one of yours benefitted from the Equipment Loan Program? Would you like to share your experience? Please send us a an email at

Giving Tuesday - Making Possibilities: Catherine Heberle

"Here is a picture of me on my little red scooter on my way to visit friends and neighbours in our adult community. But the best of all of the equipment I have received from the ALS society is my lift. All the houses are bungalows out there are four steps from the ground level to get into the house. The first time Leslie came for an in-person visit back in early 2019 she suggested a lift to get into the house. At that time I was still quite capable of going up and down stairs, but decided to listen to Leslie and she ordered the lift to come to the house via Adapt Mobility. This lift means so much to me now as I can stay in my house and not have to move to an apartment building."

If you'd like to learn more about our campaign, check out:

Have you or a loved one of yours benefitted from the Equipment Loan Program? Would you like to share your experience? Please send us an email at

Giving Tuesday - Making Possibilities: Pam Keenan, A Digital Story by Mike Lang

This year for Giving Tuesday we wanted to share stories about "Making Possibilities". One of the ways many of our families are able to continue to make possibilities happen is through our Equipment Loan Program.

Living With ALS - Pam’s Story – A Digital Story by Mike Lang

Pam Keenan, new ALS Society of Alberta Board Member, shares the story of her husband Chad’s ALS journey all through the eyes of our talented friend, Mike Lang.

”Mike has worked with hundreds of patients, family members and health care providers, from across all injury and illness groups, to help them create short 3 min Digital Stories of their experiences.”

Please take a moment to watch to Pam’s Story. Her family’s raw and honest story is one that will move you in so many ways. Thank you, Pam, for sharing it.

If you'd like to learn more about our campaign, check out:

Have you or a loved one of yours benefitted from the Equipment Loan Program? Would you like to share your experience? Please send us an email at

Giving Tuesday - Making Possibilities: Colleen and Ritchie Olsen

Once again our friends Mikael & Frida Backlund continue to give back to our wonderful families. The Backlund's kindly treated Colleen Olson & her husband Ritchie to some of the best seats in the house at the most recent Calgary Flames home game!

It's gestures and supports like these that we want to share this year for our Giving Tuesday campaign: Making Possibilities.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo with us Colleen! We hope we are able to continue to create memories like these for our families.

If you'd like to learn more about our campaign, check out:

Have you or a loved one of yours benefitted from the Equipment Loan Program? Would you like to share your experience? Please send us an email at

Giving Tuesday - Making Possibilities: Belle DeZutter

For this Giving Tuesday story, our 2021 Edmonton Walk Ambassador Belle DeZutter shines a light on how her diagnosis progressed, and how the Equipment Loan Program has allowed her to continue on her adventures. Edited by our talented friend Mike Lang, this short video shows how Making Possibilities keeps our families happy and healthy.

If you'd like to learn more about our campaign, check out:

Have you or a loved one of yours benefitted from the Equipment Loan Program? Would you like to share your experience? Please send us an email at

Giving Tuesday - Making Possibilities: John Burns and Family

As we approach the Season Of Giving this year, we wanted to share a few stories with you. Each story shows just how much one gesture, act, or even a piece of equipment can really make a difference to a family living with ALS.

Near the end of October, John and his family were able to take in the action packed Flames VS. Flyers hockey game, this is something that meant the absolute world to them and wouldn’t have been possible in other circumstances. John, Yvonne, Yvette & Candice were able to sit together as a family thanks to the kind gesture of our good friends and advocates Mikael and Frida Backlund and our tremendous equipment loan program.

We hope John and his family can cherish these memories for a lifetime. We only hope we can continue to “Make Possibilities” for all of our families.

If you'd like to learn more about our campaign, check out:

Have you or a loved one of yours benefitted from the Equipment Loan Program? Would you like to share your experience? Please send us an email at

GivingTuesday 2020

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GivingTuesday is a global day of giving that happens each year after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The “opening day of the giving season”, it’s a time when Canadians, charities and businesses come together to celebrate giving and participate in activities that support charities and non-profits.

This year, GivingTuesday falls on December 1st, and we will be providing lots more details about our campaign over the coming weeks. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages, or visit our link at CanadaHelps.

Today though, we would love to hear from you on why YOU support the ALS Society of Alberta.

Send us a short video or photo & statement explaining why you give, volunteer and support us in so many ways ( Of alternately, post it on Facebook or Instagram, tag us, and use the hashtags #GivingDayCA and #GivingDayALSAB. We will be compiling photos and videos and sharing stories over the coming weeks. We'd love to hear from you!