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Giving Tuesday - Making Possibilities: Robert Corbeil

This year for #GivingTuesday we are featuring stories about our clients truly "Making Possibilities" with the help of our Equipment Loan Program.

If you'd like to donate or learn more about the campaign you can visit:

Here is our story of the day. Thank you for sharing with us Robert!

"When I was a schoolteacher, I used to be able to use my loud voice to give physical education instructions to students across the gymnasium, in French, English and Mandarin.

Unfortunately, when I contracted a genetic form of ALS, my voice became faint and hoarse. It became totally impossible to discuss with my 93 year old dad who is hard of hearing.

When the ALS Society provided me with a voice amplifier, I not only became able to resume phone discussions with my dad, but I have also been able to sustain longer conversations with friends. The voice amplifier has contributed to keep me connected with the word around me."

Warm regards,

Have you or a loved one of yours benefitted from the Equipment Loan Program? Would you like to share your experience? Please send us an email at