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Making it Possible - Jason Louie

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Jason Louie Jason recently joined our Kennedy’s/PLS Support Group, and is giving back to the community during the current COVID-19 crisis. We love his ingenious way of providing assistance to our frontline workers!

Since Covid-19 arrived in Alberta pretty much everyone has been impacted (myself included as I was required to work less hours).

I wanted to help out where I could given my new available hours, and as I've been 3D printing for about 2.5 years I figured I might be able to use this experience to help out. Unfortunately (and with good reason), 3D printed PPE requires meeting strict standards and regulations, and as such I hesitated printing items since I did not want to have printed items that weren't going to be used.

I found an opportunity on Facebook where a group was volunteering their time and resources sewing masks (Mask Makers YYC) for front line and other essential workers. There was a call out for any 3D printers for printing some Bias Tape Jigs, (a tool to help fold 2" strips of fabric over to make the straps for the masks). Several people from the Maker community started printing for the group, and I was able to contribute more than 20.

While printing the Bias Tape Jigs, the next opportunity presented itself when fellow Makers were discussing printing Ear Savers - a band that you hook the straps of face masks to relieve stress on the ears from prolonged wearing of masks. With workers required to wear masks for 8+ hour shifts many days at a time, this made sense and I dedicated my printing time to that. I reached out to others in the community and with the help of several key individuals we created a new group specifically for making the Ear Savers, (YYC Ear Savers). To date, I've printed nearly 2000 Ear Savers which have gone to staff in local hospitals, dental offices and extended care homes via the group and directly to staff.