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Making it Possible - Gerry Frohnen

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"Making It Possible" Day 14 - Gerry Frohnen

I was diagnosed with Kennedy’s in 2011 after having symptoms for so many years. I was very athletic when I was younger, and looking back and recognizing the progression of the disease has been very interesting.

I have always had a passion for music and was interested in Disc Jockeying in night clubs as many of my family members worked in nightclubs, so I was able to get a job doing what I loved.

I wrote my first poem at the age of 17 when my father passed away. I was sitting in the living room watching TV when words and ideas were coming into my head, so I asked my sister to write them down for me. That poem was called "Relationships"
I write poems from every emotion- whatever I’m feeling and what makes sense to me. When I was 30, I wrote a poem called "Thoughts Become" in memory of my relationship with my mother. This poem was then published.

I attend the ALS Society’s PLS and Kennedy’s Coffee Groups and decided to share this poem with the others.
I still enjoy making music and seeing the world through positivity