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Making it Possible - Awesome Lemonade Stand

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Making It Possible Day 26 – The Awesome Lemonade Stand

Over the past month, you have seen us post a few times about the little Lemonade Stand that could: The Awesome Lemonade Stand.

What started out as a small project for the Andreychuk family to honor their late friend Adam Rombough, ended up taking on a whole new life once Covid-19 changed the world we live in. Like many other events in Edmonton and around the world, they were going to take their Lemonade virtual!

The Andreychuk’s (Katherine, Kris, Claire, Adam & Elizabeth) didn’t let a pandemic stop them from raising awareness for ALS. This family spent hours baking (thanks to Baba!) the yummiest treats, brewing the tastiest lemonade, and packing them up in the most beautiful packaging you could imagine. But their work wasn’t done there, they made home deliveries to each person who requested a goodie bag.

Claire, Adam, Elizabeth, and Fam doubled their goal by bringing in more than $5000.00 for the Walk To End ALS in Edmonton. If that isn’t making it possible, we don’t know what is.