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Making it Possible - Eleonore Grafe

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My mom Eleonore’s core motivating force was LOVE- and it was her love that has had a profound impact on the people and friends she met on her journey through life. She taught all of us to be caring, affectionate, forgiving, and empathetic towards others, especially those in need. Her persistent efforts to meet the needs of her family and friends was endless.

In November 2014, mom developed a left foot drop. It continued to the point of getting a brace for her left leg, and then she began having pain in her arms, fingers, and toes. We started her eventual diagnosis of ALS in 2015, meeting with Dr. Sudharsian, Neurologist, on an annual basis. Despite these appointments, mom continued caring for my dad at their home, driving her car and attending her many functions, which included volunteering at our local Dinner Theatre and attending her Liberal meetings.

2017 sent her a huge curve ball in life, as my dad ended up in an extended care hospital and it was time to clean out their home of 56 years and put up the For Sale sign. Mom was having difficulty walking and began using a walker, and moved into an assisted living apartment at Points West Living. There she met many people she knew as my mother knew everyone in Red Deer, and those that just met her loved her. She even participated in their radio/ newspaper advertising, and everyone recognized her voice on the radio. She was always busy participating in the events at PWL and continued her beloved Dinner Theatre.

2018 was the time she met a lovely man Rob, from the ALS Society, and she just raved about how pleasant he was. Rob introduced us to the ALS Clinic at the University of Alberta, and she and I made the trek to meet the ALS team. It was a very positive appointment and the team made every effort to accommodate Mom’s future needs. As her ALS progressed mom received her electric wheelchair through Rob at the ALS Society, and she was so happy to be independent with this chair. Every morning mom would be up dressed in matching outfit and have her make up on.

I know she struggled daily but she had a force for spreading good in the world and her legacy - this compelling force of good touched many lives. She lit up a room wherever she went with her beautiful smile and laugh. Sadly for all of us who loved her, mom passed away in her sleep, December 18, 2019; however, she is lighting our paths as we are walking, and this beautiful wonderful woman, has taught us to love and respect each other and most of all to never ever give up!