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Making it Possible - Lori's Lovebugs

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Day 29 of Making It Possible – Lori’s Lovebugs

Today we’re going to feature a pretty amazing group that you may have heard of, Lori’s Lovebugs. Lori’s Lovebugs come from beautiful Camrose, Alberta and each year they walk as a team for their dear friend, mother, co-worker, Lori. Lori's story was featured on their Walk To End ALS fundraising page.

Here is Lori's story…" in the summer of 2018 I began experiencing slurred speech and weakness in my right hand. I was sent to see a specialist in Edmonton and on March 14th, 2019 I received the news that I was diagnosed with ALS.
This news was devastating but by the strength of my family and friends, I was able to find the strength and determination to fight this disease.
I want my message to people to be “Be strong, be positive, and never give up.”
I am losing my speech and the use of my hands but I continue to live a full and productive life surrounded by my husband, kids, grandkids, family, and friends.
As I continue with my journey I am surrounded by my family and friends who are on this path with me.
As most of you know there is no cure or and little treatment for this disease. It is underfunded and we ask for your donation in hopes of one day finding a treatment or cure."

We couldn’t help but want to share this amazing team’s story after seeing their commitment to the cause this year raising over $20,000 dollars for the Walk To End ALS.