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Fundraising Events in the Age of COVID

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Over the past two decades, the ALS Society of Alberta has been so incredibly lucky for the support received from our community across this province. From Quonset Days to Karen’s Purple Shirt Party, Okotberfest to golf tournaments, our dedicated community has held events of all varieties as fundraisers for the Society. We are so grateful for the years of support.

Under the current restrictions of COVID-19, we know that many of you have had to cancel or adjust your scheduled events for this year, and have been inquiring about possible alternatives that you could perhaps run in 2020. Facebook’s fundraising option is one such alternative. Facebook can be a quick and easy way to raise money and engage your network of friends and family, especially during this time of physical distancing.

Here are some helpful facts about Facebook fundraisers.

  • Go to to get started and for more details

  • Anyone can create a fundraiser for the ALS Society of Alberta by searching for “ALS Society of Alberta” from the list of registered charities.

  • Donations are processed at no cost to the donor or to the individual who set up the fundraiser.

  • Receipts are issued to the donor by email through Facebook.

  • Donations are sent to the Society by Facebook through the PayPal Giving Fund.

  • If you or your donors have questions about the setup, donations, receipts or refunds, you will need to contact Facebook Fundraiser Support Centre.

  • The Society does not receive any contact information on the donors to your fundraiser.

  • Facebook does not notify the Society when you set up a fundraiser. We hope you will inform us if you set one up, as we would like the opportunity to thank you for your support.

Please contact Meaghan or Paula at if you would like some additional information or any assistance.