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Meet the Lethbridge Walk Together for ALS Ambassador - Michael Webber

My name is Michael Webber and I'm 43 years old. My ALS, thus far, has affected my legs and lower back.

When my wife was asked by the ALS Society if I would be the ambassador for this year's event she laughed and said "yea - no. That isn't something Mike would ever be interested in."  When she came to me and jokingly asked if I wanted to do this I think I almost gave her a  heart attack when I said "sure, why not?".

They say this disease is rare and yet I am the 8th male in 3 generations of my family to receive this diagnosis. My symptoms first presented as hamstring and hip pain. We thought it was because I was working a very physical job on a drilling rig. One August night in 2021, while we were out with friends, my limp suddenly got worse to the point where I was nearly falling over. It was the first inkling that something might actually be wrong.

I made an appointment with my wife’s massage therapist who specializes in nerve pain the next day and he immediately identified the issue as neurological and (to his credit) refused to treat me until I had seen my family doctor. Thankfully my doctor was able to see me the next day and referred me to the ALS Clinic in Calgary and we had the foundation for a diagnosis by October 2021.

While this has been the hardest and most devastating thing we have ever had to face, we are very grateful for the support of our family, our friends, and the ALS Society. The funding that the ALS society receives helps provide walkers, wheelchairs, stair lifts, and more to make life just a little more bearable for ALS patients. But most importantly those funds go towards research that will someday hopefully find a cure for this awful disease, most likely not for me, but hopefully for my son, my nephew and all the other men and women who'll have to go through this in the future. 

Register for or donate to the Lethbridge Walk here!

ALS Society of Alberta 2022 Event Survey

If you participated in one of our Walk Together for ALS events in 2022, or Betty’s Run for ALS in Calgary, we would love to hear your feedback! As we returned to in-person events after a two-year hiatus, it was so wonderful to be back in person. Every location was a bit different this year - some were almost identical to pre-pandemic events, while some were smaller than previous years, or had different locations, or perhaps the event program was different - whatever the case, we would love to hear your thoughts.

Please fill out one of the following surveys to have your opinions noted as we start planning for 2023.

Edmonton Walk Together for ALS: participants please click here

Other Walk Together for ALS locations across the province: participants please click here

Betty’s Run for ALS: participants please click here

Thank you!

September Walk Together for ALS Events in Lethbridge and Hinton

We still have two events remaining in the 2022 Walk Together for ALS season! The events all summer have been so successful but also meaningful, as we were able to once again gather as a community in support of our loved ones living with ALS, and also in memory of those we have lost.

Please join us in Lethbridge on September 10th or Hinton September 18th to help raise funds and awareness for those in our province living with ALS and their families.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Register or donate today here.

Making It Possible 2022- Thank You!

As we come to the end of ALS Awareness Month, and in turn our Making it Possible Series, we wanted to take this opportunity to say Thank You.

Thank you for sharing your personal stories with the ALS community and “Making Possibilities”.

As we look back on June, thank you to all our event participants, Ambassadors, volunteers, committee members, donors and sponsors – you helped make our Walks and Runs during ALS Awareness month incredibly successful. Your continued support means that Albertans living with ALS can continue to have the ALS Society of Alberta in their corner while also funding research to help find a cure. We are still finalizing totals, and still have two walks to go in September. It has been great to be back in person.  

Making it Possible is a series that was created as a way for our families to share their stories. We are moved year after year by the positivity and hope shown by our community. They truly show the possibilities of life, even when living with ALS – of the joy, the sadness, the hope, and the love of family and friends. Our community teaches us every day about how to truly live, and strengthens our commitment to fulfil our mission – to make each day the best possible day for those living with and affected by ALS.  

Making It Possible Day 30 - Board of Directors

Today for our Making it Possible series, we would like to recognize the dedicated members of the ALS Society of Alberta Board of Directors.

Thank you to the ALS Society of Alberta Board of Directors, for leading the Society to provide the best possible supports for our families across Alberta and fund ground-breaking ALS research.

Our incredible leaders are: Nancy Lyzaniwski, Cathy Martin, Gord Banting, Tara Pentney, Heather Haddow, Jim Robinson, Kimberly Howard, Pamela Keenan and Tom Gee.

This impeccable group of individuals dedicate countless volunteer hours to lead the Society to “Make each day the best possible day for people affected by ALS.” Their constant and unwavering support led us through the unprecedented pandemic and ensured the team had the support and tools to continue to support our families.

We are so thankful for their service – in the words of Margaret Mead…

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

Making It Possible Day 29 - Renee Maess

My name is Renee Maess and I came to the society just over a year ago. I had spent 13 years supporting kiddos and their families within the school board prior to coming here. I was able to advocate for families to receive much needed services for their children experiencing various physical and emotional challenges. My shift to working with adults has been such an amazing experience. The strength and resilience in people fighting ALS is something unimaginable to witness.


Having lost my own family member to a motor neuron disease, and seeing their need for services, I felt so privileged to become part of this organization. I get to participate in filling those gaps with equipment, peer support groups and advocacy. This year was my first opportunity to attend in-person events like the walks and the feeling of community there was so strong. I enjoyed seeing your smiling faces greet one another, and myself, after a year of meeting you over zoom at our coffee group. I am thankful for every hug you shared with me that day, every zoom I spend with you, and all the parts of your lives you choose to let me in on… when you have a new grandchild on the way… when you are joyful about having Burger Baron…when you have hard days and ‘just need a chat’.

I know this is supposed to tell you about me…why I am here… why I have stayed…? Because of you. This beautiful community you have all built.

Making It Possible Day 28 - Trevor Wright

Trevor has been our Equipment Coordinator for almost a year: 11 months as of July.


“My favourite memories are any time I get to deliver a piece of equipment to our clients and the many ways these items can positively impact not only our clients quality of life, but the whole family’s as well. The sense of freedom and independence these items can provide to our clients stresses how important the equipment loan program is and encourages me to strive to create the best program possible for our clients and families.


I got to deliver a manual wheelchair to a client, and seeing her face light up when we delivered a hot pink wheelchair, was one of the most fun and heartwarming moments. Not only were we able to provide a wheelchair that would fit her much better than one she currently had on loan, but she was over the moon with how fancy the hot pink wheelchair would make her look.


I’ve always found value in doing something to make a difference in the lives of others, particularly those facing increased adversity, and the ALS Society seemed like such a great place to contribute to that work. I am constantly astounded in the strength and support of the clients, families and staff going through this journey and really wanted to be a part of that. Getting to see, on a daily basis, the impact the Society can have is what keeps me waking up in the morning and coming to work. I couldn’t think of anything else I’d rather be doing.”

Making It Possible Day 27 - Jody Round

In honour of my Dad, I have become an active part in helping plan the annual Edmonton Walk Together for ALS, becoming the Edmonton Walk Committee Chair.


My dad was diagnosed with ALS in the Summer of 2012. Watching him live with ALS and how great the Society was at helping every step of the way I knew this was an organization I had to be involved with.  They are genuine people who help those living with ALS live each day as best as they can. They supported our family so much by caring and making sure my dad had everything he needed to live each day the best that he could. My family will always be grateful to the Society for this. 


I will continue to help those living with ALS by being a part of the Edmonton Walk committee for as long as they will have me. I do hope for the day when there is no Walk and no money to be raised because they have found a cure. 


What a day that will be. 

Making It Possible Day 26 - Karen's Purple Shirt Party

Karen Wagenaar was only 47 years old when she diagnosed with ALS and sadly lost her battle 13 months later in 2017, leaving behind a husband and four boys. Karen fought ALS with courage and her faith. Karen’s Purple Shirt Party was conceived as the first anniversary of her passing approached, to be a time of healing with family and friends - a backyard celebration of Karen’s life. The idea to add a fundraiser was a last-minute thought, but has had a lasting impact. The Wagenaar family has made it their mission to do their part in solving the puzzle of ALS, raising awareness and funds to ensure people living with ALS have the tools and support they need.

The Wagenaar family raised over $25,000 that first evening and Karen’s Purple Shirt Party was established as an annual fundraiser. As Karen was a fan of all things hockey the family added a 3 on 3 ball hockey tournament in 2019. Karen’s 3 on 3 for ALS was born!

After two hard years living through the pandemic and cancelling the 3 on 3 tournament, the restrictions were lifted and the Wagenaar family started planning Karen’s 3 on 3 for 2022. This year, Karen and Rick’s son Gerad Wagenaar stepped up and took on the massive role of planning and execution of the event. From sponsorship, marketing, food and event permits to planning the 3 on 3 tournament, Gerad ensured every area was covered and with the help of family and friends, had an amazing, successful event.

Gerad took Karen’s Purple Shirt Party and made it into an event that really reflected his Mom’s love of hockey, and her joy watching sports with her boys or watching her boys play. His commitment, dedication and thoughtfulness brought Karen’s 3 on 3 to a new level.

Thank you to Gerad, his family and friends for making possibilities for families affected by ALS.

Making It Possible Day 25 - Michelle Savard

My name is Michelle Savard and I have had the privilege of working with the ALS Society as a Client Services Coordinator for 4 years. I was drawn to the opportunity to be a part of a team that serves families on their journey living with ALS.

I was compelled by the opportunity because my mom had ALS. When I reflect on that time, one memory stands out above all others. My sister and I were helping my mom, and, as it sometimes happened, we were struggling to find the best way to help her. Despite the awkwardness and our struggle, the three of us broke into giggles that started with my mom. Memories of those light moments, despite all the difficulties that ALS brought, forged a lifelong belief in the power and impact of a moment.

So many moments that families have created and shared stand out in my time with the ALS Society. The moments and their impact can be hard to describe, it’s a feeling, and it’s palpable.

It’s receiving a picture via text of a client joining the family dog walk again with the scooter they just received from the Society and looking so very happy. It’s hearing the joy in someone’s voice when they tell you they could BBQ again, for the first time in 2 years, because of the functions their power wheelchair has and the ramp that was recently delivered. It’s hosting a support group and hearing someone say that, since their diagnosis, they assumed they could not travel again, but after hearing in Support Group how others managed it, they felt more hopeful about it. It’s those times when ALS Society team members, and vendors, and other services, like Home Care and the ALS Clinic, work together to get someone that piece of equipment that they need urgently.

It’s the feeling of community, support, and care.

I have learned so much from the families we serve, about their journeys, about how to hold space, about how be of help, about taking in the moments.

Making It Possible Day 24 - Mike Centeno

My name is Michael Centeno, I came from the Philippines and have been here in Canada since October of 2007. I am a father of two - my son Mikhail is 24 and my daughter Maia Mikaela just turned six years old. I first came across the word “ALS” during the ice bucket challenge phenomenon, but honestly I didn’t pay much attention to it until sometime around summer of 2018 when I started googling about the weakness in my left hand. I started researching about arthritis, carpal tunnel etc. until it becomes serious researching about MS, ALS and the likes. So I became a little bit familiar with those diseases, but totally dismissed the idea that I might actually have one of them.

Growing up in Philippines I had never heard of someone affected by ALS, which gave me confidence I didn’t have those kind of illness. Even when I brought it up with my family physician here in Calgary, he said “no it’s very rare and you’re Asian, which would be even rarer.” That gave me some relief Until January 15, 2020 came, and the neurologist told me the diagnosis. It felt like the world came crushing down on me, no words came out just tears as I hugged my wife and my daughter.

The drive back home seems like it took forever and everything was blurry. Still hoping that what just happened is just a bad dream and I would be waking up soon. The first thing I did when we got home was to pray in our little altar. I didn’t ask God why, instead I said thank you for giving me this trial, just please make it easier for me and my family. I truly believe that those who were given some difficulty in life will reap a reward from God. So many sleepless nights and overwhelming emotions followed but after a week I came to the realization that my family needs me especially my daughter. That I need to make the most of it while I still can and still have strength in me. I excitedly planned and booked multiple family trips but then covid came and halted everything. It’s a huge setback but it’s still an opportunity to spend more time with my family.

I’m enjoying lots of fun time with my daughter by driving her to school until one of my doctors refrain me from doing so. I was crushed and heartbroken even if I beg him to give me couple of months more until my daughter finish the school year, and told him I wouldn’t compromise her safety if I knew I could no longer do it safely. But it is what it is, I need to follow and not to complicate things further. I’m also very fortunate to be part of the clinical trial medication, oral Edaravone. I am the 177th participants out of the 180.

I am so glad that a lot of people are very supportive with people afflicted with ALS and their families. The ALS clinic, the home care OT, most especially the ALS Society of Alberta for their all-out support from the very start. They’re beside me as my disease progresses. From the very small pieces of equipment to complicated and expensive ones. We even brought some with us on our trip back to the Philippines and made it easier. I got to attend the Calgary Flames game through the generosity of Mikael and Frida Backlund, we really had a great time my daughter even yelling “best night ever” while munching on nachos and cheering for the Flames. It’s really heartwarming to know that a lot of people outside of family and circle of friends care.

Life’s journey is not always a bed of roses especially if someone is ill in the family. Mine is no different but with my wife Mia always on my side everything seems to be easy. Her caring and sacrifices go above and beyond, setting up a makeshift bedroom on the main floor so I don’t need to go upstairs and trading a nice comfy bed to an air mattress just to be by my side every night. I would say that every Filipino couple’s dream is to make a family and have at least one child to care for them when they get older. I’m so lucky to have two, my oldest Mikhail who is old enough, did not hesitate to step in and help. But I couldn’t imagine my daughter Maia that an early age was already obliged and would willingly care for me. In one of our conversations I asked her what she’s want to be when she grows up? And she said “I want to be a doctor someday, I’m actually practicing now to become one by taking care of you”. That melts my heart and brings me to tears.

Sometimes I couldn’t help but ask, why life seems to be so unfair. Nobody deserves to suffer, especially little kids. But it always comes back to the answer that, everything happens for a reason and in God’s perfect timing everything will be alright.

Making It Possible Day 23 - Heather and Ruth Cole

Heather’s journey with ALS started 22 years ago on April 19th, 2000, when her mother Ruth Cole was diagnosed with bulbar onset ALS. Ruth once said, “This disease will kill me, but it won’t kill me today.” The disease quickly took her ability to speak and swallow on her own, but Heather recalls her mother taking these times in stride.


“The ALS Society was extremely helpful in getting us equipment and aids to communication and Jane Rivest was a godsend!  My mom, her friend, and I went to the William Watson Lodge in Kananaskis for a weekend.  Her colleagues from the Calgary Zoo came to the house to sing carols for her the Christmas before she died, so about 20 people were crammed into the living room.  She loved it.  We had a chair lift installed and my niece treated it like a carnival ride, which gave my mom a giggle.  And we had a terrific home care attendant, Janice, who looked after her, so she could stay at home through the course of her disease.”


Ruth went on to be the Betty’s Run ambassador in 2001, participating with her husband of 36 ½ years, her two children Heather and Bruce, and two grandchildren. She continued to fight before passing away on January 26th, 2002. Heather has since participated in every subsequent Betty’s Run, 22 years strong. She currently lives in Saskatoon, and has travelled with her friend (also named Heather) several times to participate, as well as donating thousands of dollars across the years.


“I’ve never lived in Calgary since I’ve attended the run, so I’ve always travelled to get there. And I’ve always had people who donate from other cities, depending on where I’ve been living at the time. One year, I had just arrived from a trip to England, so did the walk with terrible jet lag!  I know there are lots of people who are just as dedicated as I am about raising funds for Betty’s Run and taking part every year, even after losing their loved one(s) to ALS.

I had a cancer diagnosis just before COVID started, so I’m being extra careful about gatherings, hence the virtual run again this year.  I’m doing fine, but exercising caution.”


We’d like to give a heartfelt thanks to Heather Cole, her family, and all those who have donated to her and her team over the years. Her constant support and dedication in the face of adversity is truly inspiring.

Making It Possible Day 22 - Quonset Days

Peter Biemans passed away in August 2009 after a hard-fought battle with ALS. ALS is a disease that leaves the affected completely dependent on others, trapped in a body that they can no longer control. To watch Peter turn from an outgoing, active person to someone who could only sit and watch the world go by was absolutely heart-wrenching.

The Biemans family wanted to raise money and awareness for the ALS Society of Alberta while celebrating the life of a truly wonderful man. With their local Walk cancelled, the Biemans family decided to fill the gap left by that event and Quonset Days was born. The first Quonset Days was organized in 2010 in only a little over a month and over $7500 was raised the first year!

In 2016, the Biemans family realized that Quonset Days had grown so much that they required help with organizing the event. Thanks to some great friends, the Quonset Days Board of Directors was formed. Their goal with their board is to continue making Quonset Days better every year. Quonset Days has grown to include a silent and live auction, kick-off party, live bands, crazy games, beer gardens and camping. The event is held on the family farm – It truly is the “Greatest Outdoor Party on Dirt”!

Quonset Days has become one of the biggest events supporting the ALS cause in Alberta.

Thank you to Janet, Trevor, Breanne, Traci & Brandon for making possibilities for our families. To learn more about this year’s event, visit

Making It Possible Day 21 - Ralph Scott

Hello, my name is Ralph Scott and the journey to my ALS diagnosis began with several years of health issues. My previous family physician dismissed issues due to me being a Type 2 diabetic and upon his retirement I was lucky that Dr. Gradwell agreed to take me on as a patient.  The first thing this new Dr  said to me was “go ahead and tell me how you’re feeling, I’m listening”.  What a complete 180 as my previous physician always said “listen to me”.  During the introductory appointment we reviewed my medical history, weight loss and he advised me that my calcium levels were quite high going back to 2007. Several months later after surgery for “hyper parathyroidism” the little toe on my right foot didn’t feel right. After consulting  with Dr Gradwell a referral to Alberta Neurological Centre was booked. In November 2021 after 2 consultations, I was diagnosed with ALS. At first, I was devastated, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense.  My main concern is for my wife, Susan, and our family as I was worried about them and our future. As time goes by, I’m more accepting of my condition and what is in the future for us.

In my career in transportation, I’ve worn many different hats from driver/owner operator to administration of various companies. I ask myself if the petroleum and chemicals where we were required to top load the tankers without proper personal protective equipment played a part in ALS.     

In 2018, Susan & I downsized and moved into a new home in Mahogany, which turned out to be a blessing due to proximity of the ALS clinic at South Calgary Health Campus. In 2019 our miniature Daschunds; Fiona & Kelci came into our lives, originally we had planned on only one puppy. Fiona chose Susan, and Kelci chose me. As we were leaving discussing which puppy we wanted the breeder  messaged us asking if we would consider both puppies.   Kelci  was born with a congenital eye condition and she was concerned no one would adopt her and did not want her to be alone - we agreed and there’s not been a dull moment since!  We are also very thankful that just prior to the diagnosis,  my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter Aurora moved back to Calgary from Victoria.  My son also lives in the city so is wonderful to have such a great support system.

Upon being diagnosed, the support system through the ALS Clinic as well as the ALS Society was activated within days. I am so thankful for everyone who has become part of my care team – all are so dedicated, compassionate and sincere beyond belief.  Currently, I’m undergoing Radacava treatments which require infusion for 10 days within a 14 day period followed by 14 days off.  I am also participating in a clinical trial through the University of Calgary with Berchman and Janet.

There are two things in life that I believe, one is that the journey of your life is a path already planned for you. Second, a colleague once said to me that “adversity doesn’t build character, it brings it out”, I believe this to be so true. Throughout our lives we experience many forms of adversity and grow and learn from from it. It would be easy for me to be in a room with the lights turned off and hugging my knees rocking back and forth, this would accomplish nothing. I choose to accept the challenges I’ve been dealt and be forever grateful for all that I have in my life rather than mourn what I’ve lost.

Making It Possible Day 20 - The Pisko Family

Mary Pisko loved flowers, working in the flower department of the Okotoks Safeway for 10 years until 2008. She was a mother of four, a devoted wife to Tom, and a strong woman who was not one to complain. However, one year after she finished working as a florist, the day before she turned 60, Mary was diagnosed with ALS.


Mary’s battle with ALS was, like it is for so many, a short one. But as Tom recalls, she never complained about having ALS, and she remained at home and cared for by her family.  She was only in hospice for 24 hours before she passed in 2011 at the age of 61. Ten years later, Tom makes the astute observation that “After spending your life with someone, the loss of your loved one to ALS never goes away.”


Tom was blessed to remarry following the loss of Mary, and his wife Carolin is a talented quilter who has been perfecting her art for the past 50 years. When Carolin quilts, she likes to focus on the person she is making the quilt for, sending out positive thoughts for everyone affected. The quilt pictured above is in memory of Mary, done in the cornflower design both in honour of Mary’s love of flowers, and also the fact that the cornflower is the ALS symbol. The beautiful flowers all over the quilt are a true work of art, and an homage to Mary and other friends they have lost to the disease.


The quilt was a collaborative project with friends Tammy and Lynda, who took on different components of the quilting. It is a gorgeous piece of art, and we are so humbled that Tom and Carolin would like to donate it to us at the Society to use as a fundraiser. We are still confirming the date and location as to where this will be auctioned or raffled, but we will be sure to make an announcement!


Thank you Tom and Carolin for sharing your story and your talent. This gift will certainly make a difference, and all in Mary’s memory.

Making It Possible Day 19 - Mikael and Frida Backlund

Mikael and Frida Backlund have been making possibilities for our families since 2015. In honour of Frida’s mom, they have dedicated their valuable time and effort to support families affected by ALS in Alberta. 

 In addition to donating funds and hosting events, they generously provide a night out for families to spend together and enjoy a Calgary Flames Game. 74 families from across Alberta have had the opportunity to attend a game over the past seven years .

Frida organizes annual events to create awareness and raise funds for programs and research.

Mikael and Frida not only support the work of the Society but more importantly, make memories for our families to keep forever.

Mikael and Frida support the ALS community in every way and even through the pandemic found ways to support families in Alberta.  

Thank you Mikael and Frida!



Making It Possible Day 18 - Drayton Valley Committee

Bowling, Walks, Dueling Pianos, paint night and raffles – the Drayton Valley Team has organized it all! We wanted to highlight this team of amazing women and their tireless efforts as part of this year’s Making it Possible… and today is more than fitting, as it is the day of Drayton Valley’s Walk Together for ALS.

“Our Committee is made up of sisters Melanie and Marcie Pruden, cousin Kayla Leeder, and Nicole Tymchak, longtime family friend (aka the “third daughter”). We lost our mom, Audrey, to ALS in April 2016 after she had been diagnosed in early 2015. It was so hard to watch her battle the disease as her mind was still 100% there, but as the disease progressed she became immobilized and couldn’t speak.


Our family received so much support from the ALS Society of Alberta. Whatever we needed was delivered within a few days because the Society knew when something was needed, it was needed now. They provided 3 different wheelchairs, an electric lift chair, a porch lift, roof lift, BiPap machine, portable suction machine, transfer board, and a hospital bed. And if that wasn’t enough, they even trialed many different mattresses on the bed so our mom would be as comfortable as possible. Not to mention the emotional support we also received throughout the journey.


An ALS diagnosis can cost a family up to $250,000, so the fact that the ALS Society offers an Equipment Loan Program as part of their amazing client support services, is truly a blessing to families. We cannot say enough good things about the ALS Society and the work they do to ensure that each day is the best possible day for those living with and affected by ALS. We had so much support and there is no way we would have been able to get through it without the ALS Society. We were able to stay home with our mom to care for her which was so important to us.


Before our mom was diagnosed, we had only heard of ALS mainly through the Ice Bucket Challenge, but we soon learned that many people local to Drayton Valley had been affected by ALS as well. In the past 10 years, this disease has affected 12 individuals and their families in our area. We wanted to give back somehow!


We attended the Edmonton Walk to End ALS in 2017, walking in honour of our mom. It was then that we decided we needed to bring this Walk to Drayton Valley to help spread awareness for the disease and build a support system in our community for anyone living with and affected by ALS.


The four of us took on something that most people our age would not. But we continue to do this to honour Audrey’s legacy and to help raise funds for the ALS Society and ALS Research so that both can continue doing the amazing things they do for generations to come, and to let others in our community know that they are not alone.


We would like to thank and acknowledge our very large family who act as our event volunteers and support system – we wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you!”


Thank you Nicole, Melanie, Marcie and Kayla for everything that you do! We are so happy to be able to attend today’s event in person again.

Making It Possible Day 17 - Colleen Olson

Hi, my name is Colleen and I was diagnosed with ALS in June of 2021. Symptoms (which I had no idea were symptoms) started showing up more than a year prior to my diagnosis. Now it is easy to look back and say ahhh because I know what the symptoms of ALS are, but back then, I had no idea.

I decided to hold the garage sale fundraiser very early this year as a way to have some kind of control over the disease which is not really controllable. Over the years I have helped others in their quests to fundraise for other diseases (shaving my head for Cancer, running a scavenger hunt for Cystic Fibrosis, etc), but never, did I ever think that I would some day be doing a fundraiser for a disease that had invaded my body.

Holding the garage sale would not have been possible without my community of family and friends. My mom and nieces in Regina provided donations for us to bring back at Easter. Other local friends and family provided items. Many helped with the HUGE task of setting up the sale (23 big tables, 3 shelving units and a driveway full of items). Then those who helped during the sale and with the packing up of items to be given to other charitable organizations after the sale.

Sooo much help from so many wonderful people who I love dearly and am privileged to have in my life. My biggest thanks has to go to my husband Ritchie who has always supported my charitable “adventures”, and who put in so much effort for the garage sale. He is such a trooper! 

I’m very happy to say that the garage sale raised $1,400 and we are still selling items online, so hopefully the amount will grow a bit. The ALS Society has been a huge resource for me over the past year that I am happy to give back. Besides loaning me a scooter to do long “walks” with my husband and dog, the Society has provided me the opportunity to gather with others who also have ALS (via Zoom) to share information, visit and provide support for each other. These visits are very important to my mental well being and I am sad when I have to miss one.

I am hoping that this small gesture will encourage others to do something similar. We have all received and we all need to give back!

Making It Possible Day 16 - Staff Highlight: Marie Nicholson

Hi, my name is Marie Nicholson. I have been with The ALS Society of Alberta for 12 years as office assistant. I was unemployed from the IT industry, and with my experience as a volunteer/executive for a service group, I was given the opportunity to be part of the community.  My organizational skills, paired with the ability to multitask between all departments and work as a team, allowed me to work for the benefit of the clients and their needs, even if it is behind the scenes. I have stayed because the work we do to make every day a better one for our clients is fulfilling and satisfying for me. Seeing the families and helping to make their life easier with our equipment and other resources has been a joy.  Watching their smiling faces light up at Betty’s Run for ALS, being surrounded by family and friends supporting them with help from our equipment program, or securing a new piece of equipment that makes each day easier for them. The ALS team is amazing working together as one, making our clients the priority and enjoying working with each other.