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June 16 - Ken Rusk

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Today is day 16 of ALS Awareness Month and the Hinton Walk to End ALS. We are featuring the Hinton Walk Ambassador, Ken Rusk and his Making It Possible Story.

“My name is Ken Rusk, and I am honoured to have been asked to be the Ambassador for the Hinton Walk to End ALS on June 16, 2019. I would like to share some of my story with you including how I became afflicted with ALS and my journey with it so far. In late October of 2016, I suffered a deep muscle injury to my left calf.  After months of this injury not fully healing, I began to notice a constant twitching in my left thigh. After a couple of more months passed by, I noticed the twitching had moved up the left side of my body and into my left shoulder. I reported the twitching to my doctor and she scheduled me for an MRI. The MRI came back inconclusive and I was left with no definitive answers. Early in the spring of 2017, I was out walking with my daughter and she noticed that my left foot kept slapping down on the ground with each step I took. I simply wrote this off as a result of my calf injury, which had still not healed completely. At a following appointment with my doctor, I told her about my concern and she diagnosed me with drop foot. She then scheduled me to see Dr. Makus, a neurologist at the Hinton General Hospital in November of 2017. After noting the twitching in my left thigh, Dr. Makus asked me if I had ever heard of Lou Gehrig’s disease. He recommended I go for further testing.

Two months later, on January 9, 2018, Dr. Kalra, a neurologist at the Kaye Center in Edmonton, confirmed that I indeed had ALS and immediately put me on permanent disability. Over the course of the next few months, I was able to continue to be fairly active and mobile with the use of my walking sticks and a brace on my left foot. A few months later, I found myself in need of a walker. And finally, in February of 2019, an electric wheelchair became necessary as the disease continued to progress.

Throughout my struggles of the progression of ALS, I have to thank Christy and the ALS Society of Alberta for providing me with the equipment that I have needed to make my life more comfortable. In addition to providing the walking assistance equipment, they have also equipped my home with stair lifts, as well as a wheelchair lift to provide me easier access to and around my home. Without the ALS Society and the support of my family and friends, I could not imagine what life would be like trying to cope with this disease. So I would like to thank everyone for their support and encourage everyone to come join us at the Hinton Walk to End ALS on June 16, 2019 at the Green Square in Hinton to help raise awareness and to support all people affected by ALS.”

June 15 - Leading Edge Mobility

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Today we are featuring one of our vendors, Leading Edge Mobility for day 15 of ALS Awareness Month.

Leading Edge Mobility, located in Lethbridge, is one of the vendors the Society has been working with for many years.  They deliver, pick up and maintain our equipment that is on loan to clients. The Leading Edge Mobility team is very knowledgeable and responsive to the needs of clients.  Leading Edge Mobility works with our equipment team and Client Services staff in providing the right piece of equipment to best fit the needs of each client.  Their care and understanding of client needs is greatly appreciated.  Responding in a courteous and timely manner helps make each day the best possible day for clients and their families.  With their support we are helping clients Make it Possible.

To learn more visit

June 14 - Jim Park

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On Day 14 of ALS Awareness Month, we are sharing Jim Park’s Making it Possible story.

“My name is Jim Park and I was diagnosed with ALS on April 4, 2018. That day changed mine and my family’s life forever. My words were starting to come out slurred and I did not know why. Fast forward thirteen months and I am reminded daily of the severity of this horrible disease. In November of 2018, I stopped driving, and eating or drinking anything by mouth. I am also on breathing assistance during sleep and my hands don’t really work anymore. I can no longer speak at all and use an iPad with text to voice apps on it. Fatigue is one of the hardest things to deal with as I ‘run out of gas’ at the most minimal movements. My family helps with everyday living challenges and my wife is exceptional at keeping me grounded and happy.

I am happy. I’m happy because I have my family and friends and the ALS Society to help me navigate through this time in my life. The ALS Society has introduced me to many people that know exactly how I feel and we can communicate our thoughts and issues. I can borrow whatever equipment I need and the Society is there immediately to make sure everything is in order – how cool is that?! My family and I may be living with ALS but the Society makes things so much better and for that, I can’t thank them enough.”

Thank you so much, for sharing your story and your kind words about the Society. We are always so grateful to hear stories about how the Society can help.

June 13 - Len Landry

We are so excited to share Len Landry’s Making it Possible sotry for day 13 of ALS Awareness Month.

“I was diagnosed with ALS in September 2013. I had symptoms for about a year and wasn’t too sure what was going on. It is amazing how much love I was shown that I didn’t expect from people from my past and present. 

I grew up having fun, with a sense of humor and I’m kind of crazy. That’s just part of my DNA and that never changed, even since being diagnosed with ALS. Like I told my daughter ‘rough and tough and hard to bluff and ‘you gotta stay positive’, so I may as well practice what I preach.  When I was still living at home I wrote ‘you gotta stay positive’ on her bathroom mirror with her lipstick to remind her, it’s going to be okay.

I know I am in the best home now that I can be in at the Good Samaritan. The staff here are great and I feel pretty lucky and blessed to be here. My favourite time is lunch/dinner where I can be the “class clown” and make other’s laugh. Not to mention our social group, we call ourselves “The Southside Wheelers” as we all like to get out and about watch some sports and still go for the odd beer. There is no judgement as we all have different diagnoses.

I can’t be any more grateful than I am for the ALS Society and everything they have done for me through all their support and equipment provided. I feel very blessed.”

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June 12 - Les Bodnarchuk

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On day 12 of ALS Awareness Month, we are sharing Les Bodnarchuk’s Making it Possible story.

In November 2016 I started experiencing some loss of mobility in my right foot.  In August 2017 I was diagnosed with ALS.  Since then I have been attending the ALS Clinic at South Health.  The entire staff at the ALS Clinic are there with me every step of the way and provide tremendous support in helping with the changes.  As the disease progressed, I realize how fortunate I was to be supported by the ALS Society.  At each turn of events the ALS Society provided valuable pieces of equipment, advice, and emotional support.   This helped me maintain quality of life and allowed me to stay in my home with the help of my wife, Jean.

Last December, with the support of the ALS Clinic, the ALS Society of Alberta and the ALS Society staff in Ottawa, I was able to attend my daughter’s wedding in Ottawa.  As an added bonus, I was able to walk my daughter down the aisle and have the first dance.  Thank you everyone for helping create a beautiful memory.

Early on in this disease, I promised myself that I would not be bitter or angry.  I try not to look back on my life and activities. My world and capabilities are shrinking.  Facing each day brings challenges that are mentally and physically exhausting.  I chose to view my daily life through a positive lens.

This year for Betty’s Run, I chose ‘Making Lemonade’ as my team name.

There's an old adage that says, ’When life hands you lemons, make lemonade’.

It is a phrase that gets used and said without much depth or detail. If you do nothing, the lemons will dry up, shrink and go moldy.  Or you can open it up and squeeze every drop out of it.  For me, I could not do this myself.

I have been humbled to the core of my heart with support in helping me ‘make lemonade’.  

ALS is causing a moving target of physical and emotional needs.  It has taken a large village to provide the support and equipment required for me to make the most of each day.

June 11 - Marjorie Ebanks

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Today we are featuring Marjorie Ebanks and her #MakingItPossible story, as told through her family.

“Even though Marjorie lost her fight to ALS on March 15, we believed she would want to focus on what was made possible for her while alive.  What we believe would be her own words, we think she would write something like this:

‘While living with this disease, I tried to focus on the blessings in my life including all the things that seemed impossible but made possible.  Friends rented a van so that I was able to have a manicure and pedicure and lunch with them in Sylvan Lake.  A voice device enhancement device given by the ALS Society helped increase the volume of my voice so my grandkids could hear me when I read to them.  An electric wheelchair was also provided by the ALS Society to help me gain some form of independence.  Meals were made by friends and family so my husband Owen, could attend to me.  Faithful friends stayed with me on Thursdays so Owen could play one his favourite games, dominoes!  Friends from church built me a ramp so that I may continue to visit my grandkids in their own home. And rides were provided to spend time with my brothers and sisters at the ALS support group.  I looked forward to those meetings to share and relate my new friends. 

So many things were made possible for me and the above examples were just only a few.  It allowed me to continue to live a life of grace and dignity.  Thanks to the ALS Society for their support and may God richly bless your organization for the support you provided me.’ “

Thank you so much to the Majorie’s family for sharing this beautiful story about Marjorie.

June 10 - Adam Rombough

Today, on day 10 of ALS Awareness Month, we wanted to take some time to share a video and honour our 2018 Edmonton Walk Ambassador, Adam Rombough. Adam’s “A-Bomb” team broke fundraising records and inspired the community to come together to channel home for a future without this disease. This video captures Adam’s Making it Possible story and the inspiring outlook he had.

Thank you so much to the Rombough family for continuing to carry Adam’s legacy and to Hoopla Media for creating this remarkable way to tell Adam’s story.

Link to video:

June 9 - Ken McIsaac

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On day nine of ALS Awareness Month we are featuring Ken McIsaac, our Betty’s Run Ambassador and his Making it Possible story.

“I am honoured to be the Ambassador for the 23rd annual Betty’s Run for ALS and to share my story. As can be typical of ALS, diagnosis can be challenging. In July 2018, I was experiencing shortness of breath and had significant weight loss. I was having painful muscle spasms in my diaphragm and heart palpitations. I spent the next three months with various specialists attempting to make a diagnosis. In mid-October I was scheduled for a stress test that was monitored by an internist. During this test, he observed symptoms that convinced him I had ALS. On November 7, 2018 an EMG conducted by the ALS Clinic at South Health Campus confirmed the diagnosis.

The ALS Clinic has been outstanding. The team there has been very helpful and supportive, and have even worked with me on an alternative drug therapy from Japan that could slow down the progression of the disease and increase my life expectancy. However, there is no cure currently for ALS; all that I can hope for is a delay in the progression. Shortly after being diagnosed our family was introduced to the ALS Society of Alberta in Calgary. We attended a potluck event before Christmas and met several people with ALS. We were so impressed with the positive attitudes of people filled with acceptance and resilience. It was also a reminder of the necessity to provide support and services for those battling ALS.

Receiving the initial diagnosis that day in October and sharing that news with my wife and son were the most gut wrenching and emotional events of our lives. Although I am weak and short of breath, the more prominent debilitating symptoms have yet to manifest themselves. We are blessed with many thoughtful and caring friends.

My family and I look forward to being part of Betty’s Run for ALS this June to help raise funds and awareness for this important cause.”

June 8 - Danny Getzlaf Community Spirit

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On day 8 of ALS Awareness Month, we are so excited to be kicking off Walk season with the @2019 Edmonton Walk to End ALS!

We are featuring Danny Getzlaf, the Edmonton Walk Ambassador and his team Community Spirit. Danny Getzlaf has spearheaded some incredible contributions to ALS awareness and fundraising in Morinville and beyond. Danny hosted a number of initiatives in support of the Edmonton Walk for ALS, including button sales, BBQs, raffles, silent auctions, media interviews, meat draws and more. Danny’s team has already raised an incredible $37,000 for the 2018 Edmonton Walk and hopes to raise $40,000 for this year’s goal!

The Society would like to extend its sincerest thanks to Danny, his wife Linda, and all of their family and friends!

We hope to see you out at Hawrelak Park today at 9 a.m. for the 19th Annual Edmonton Walk to End ALS!

June 7 - PLS & Kennedy's Group

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Today on day 7 of #MakingItPossible, we are featuring the Calgary PLS & Kennedy’s group. This support group has been around for 15+ years and the group is always fun, sharing so much wisdom and of course, laughter.


Here are some comments from the members of the group:


Corey  - “Once a month I come to spend time with a very special group of people! This group of people that even through their own adversities are able to resonate a sense of understanding, compassion, love, and acceptance in such a positive, uplifting, and safe environment,” he says.  “The group is something that I look so forward to being a part of. This group of people, truly makes a difference in my world, and all that they touch. Thank you to the ALS Society for bringing us together. Life is a journey, not a destination.”


Karen – “Support and understanding from this group helps keep me grounded.”


Willie & Sylvia – “The support group meetings are so uplifting and it’s good to know someone has our backs.” “Thank you so much to the ALS Society of Alberta for the walker, it is so helpful in the morning.”


Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts and comments with us for this Making it Possible story.

June 6 - Gail Rauw

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Today we are featuring the inspiring story of Gail Rauw on day 6 of of ALS Awareness Month.

My name is Gail and this is how my story about living with ALS started. I first noticed slurred speech in the fall of 2017. I kept hoping it would disappear but it slowly progressed until I decided to take it up with my GP in June 2018. By July 20, 2018 I was told that I definitely “met the criteria for a diagnosis of ALS”. On an ironic note, I spent 30 years in a research laboratory at the U of A studying brain neurochemistry so I knew exactly where I was headed. With the support of my family, we started to roll with the punches and get on with living. We hurried up and did some travelling while I was still mobile with trips to Japan and California in 2018. In March of this year my two daughters organized a surprise trip to Maui for a vow renewal. Maui has always been one of my favourite holiday destinations and my family often heard me say that I would like to renew my vows on the beach. Twenty nine family and friends travelled to Maui for the special day. We made some great memories. My family and friends have been most supportive. My husband drives me to my Radicava infusions (although I can still drive myself). He has worked the casino fundraiser and will be doing the Edmonton Walk to End ALS with my daughter and granddaughter. My other daughter comes from Victoria for every clinic visit. For her 6th birthday party, my granddaughter asked for donations to the ALS Society instead of birthday presents. and raised over $600! I am fortunate to have the ALS clinic at the U of A. With the help of their speech pathologist and ICAN at the Glenrose, I have banked my speech as well as done some message banking for the future. The ALS Society downloaded the speech app I need to my iPad and I am ready to go when my voice is gone. The ALS Society is a blessing! They have helped me navigate the brutal waters of an ALS diagnosis and focus on what I can do and not on what I can’t!

June 5 - Patricia Latremouille

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Wow! It’s already day 5 of ALS Awareness Month. Today we are featuring Patricia Latremouille.

Patricia was initially diagnosed with PLS in 2013 but in 2014 her diagnosis changed to ALS. Patricia’s message to others living with ALS is “It’s possible to live your life”. Her message is one of creating possibilities, which fits so well into our #MakingItPossible campaign.  Patricia wants others living with ALS to know that it’s possible to continue to have new experiences and find ways to cope and adapt as ALS progresses.

Patricia stays active in the community by regularly travelling across the city to her daughter’s home to spend a day a week with her grandchildren and uses Access Calgary services to make these trips along with other outings in the city. When her family visits from the UK, day trips to the Calgary Zoo, the Calgary Stampede, and Banff Hot Springs have all been on the itinerary! Just a few weeks ago Patricia went camping with her husband and friends in Radium which included a visit to Radium Hot Springs.

She says, for her, having the right equipment such as a power wheelchair makes the change in function less noticeable because it enables her to continue to have new experiences with family and friends.  Patricia regularly attends events supporting the ALS community such as the ALS Support Group and Betty’s Run. She always brings her genuine interest in others, her belief in possibilities, and her smile!

Thank you Patricia, for sharing your experience with us!

June 4 - Sylvia Tensfeldt

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On day four of ALS Awareness Month, Sylvia Tensfeldt shares her inspiration with us.

“Receiving a diagnosis of ALS in any of its many forms has a devastating effect on anyone and everyone in their family.  Suffering its effects each day is much like a death by a thousand cuts.  Each day or week you notice yet another activity, which you have so long enjoyed, has been taken from you.  Without the support of family and the ALS Society, this would be so much worse.  The Society has been instrumental in ensuring that I, and many others, can continue to reside in our homes and lead a somewhat independent life.

                The support of the Society and its members has also shown me that there are talents that have been silenced or taken which I think should be honoured.  Before my limited artistic talents are taken from me, I want to produce something that could perhaps provide the Society with much needed support to continue their good work and to also honour talent that I saw in other members. 

                I am therefore taking the opportunity to highlight a photo taken by a member that resonated with me.  I have designed an embroidery project that I hope to complete by late fall which represents the feeling that while our physical abilities may be silenced, the spirit can still soar.  In return, I hope that people will support the Society by sponsoring this project with pledges.  The entire picture contains approximately 40,000 stitches and my goal is to raise at least $1 per stitch.  There is a link attached where you could pledge amounts to your ability (i.e. 1 cent per ten stitches ($40.00).   Once completed, I will auction the framed work to encourage further funds.  Please help me achieve my goal for project I have called “The Spirit Still Soars”.”

For more information and to donate to Sylvia’s project, click here:


Thank You Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada


We are thrilled to announce the Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada (MCAC) has chosen The ALS Society of Alberta as the charity of choice this year.

The Society was chosen in honour of MCAC Past President, David Flamand’s sister Patsy Brooks. To read a message from the family of Patsy Brooks please visit

We thank the MCAC for choosing the ALS Society to help make each day the best possible day for those living with and affected by ALS.

June 3 - Flawrence Szymanski

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On this third day of Making it Possible - A quote from Flawrence Szymanski.

“It’s hard when you are told you have ALS. I still do my count cross stitch, ceramics, and stain glass. You have to take it one day at a time. I am lucky that I have a great husband, family and friends. I am still able to go for coffee with my friends, go to the movies and play cards. It’s important to do the things you can do.”

June 2 - Belle Dezutter

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My name is Belle and I was diagnosed with ALS March 9, 2018. I was not surprised at the news because ALS has taken the life of my 2 brothers and my niece has been diagnosed with ALS two years ago. I felt a sense of relief after the diagnosis because now I could move forward with my life and take on the challenges and new experiences in this new chapter of living. I decided from that day forward I was going to continue living my life with courage and a smile so I can see what's around the next curve while trying to maintain a positive outlook even in the event of immobility. Immediately after my diagnosis I went into a phase 1 clinical study for a new drug being tested on study patients with Familial ALS carrying the SOD1 gene. It was conducted at The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital under the care of Dr. Angela Genge the director of the ALS clinic at the Neuro. I went to Montreal nine times in the span of eight months and received the trial drug (B11B067). It is through research and clinical trials around the world that someday there will be cure to end this fatal disease. We must prepare ourselves mentally for what we need to do from day to day. We can perform the most command task for the glory of GOD, even in challenging situations. It was important to me to find a great support group because you learn and teach each other and also become friends with fellow people with and without ALS. I found that support with the ALS Society and my team of doctors and professionals at the ALS clinic. With the amazing help and support from the ALS Society I can tell myself "the sky’s the limit" with some readjustments and some limitations in my everyday living. They also show me the true meaning of HOPE (Heart Open Please Enter) because we need people to be there for us to laugh with and to cry with. I now can live each day in what is my new normal on life’s terms. I am a wanderlust and I have a strong desire to wander and travel this beautiful world. And I now travel differently through the use of a wheelchair/walker that conserves my energy and prevents my falling. I know someday this disease will take my breath away physically but "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away".

Good bye isn't forever, it’s see you later.

June 1 - Dave Williams

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June 1 officially marks the beginning of ALS Awareness Month across Canada.  To honour our incredible community, we will be sharing a story each day from someone living with or affected by ALS.

Upon being diagnosed with ALS, Dave joined the Board of Directors of the Society in 2007 and served as a board member for twelve years. Dave led with wisdom, expertise and compassion. During the most significant growth of our organization, Dave’s leadership was instrumental to the Society. 


One of his many achievements was the awareness he brought to the Alberta Government about the ALS cause. He brought the voice from a family perspective to all levels of Government including Ministers from various portfolios.

We are so honoured that Dave dedicated his time and energy in making a difference in the lives of people living with ALS and their families.

We will forever remember the difference Dave made in the ALS community.

Stitchin' for Support

Sylvia Tensfeldt has been living with ALS but hasn’t let that diagnosis prevent her from doing her favourite things - including cross-stitching. This year Sylvia will be designing an embroidery project that she hopes to complete by the fall of this year. The entire picture, partially represented below, contains approximately 40,000 stitches and her goal is to raise at least $1 per stitch.

There is a link attached where you could pledge amounts to your ability (i.e. 1 cent per ten stitches ($40.00) .   Once completed, Sylvia will auction the framed work to encourage further funds.  Please help her achieve her goal for her project she has appropriately called “The Spirit Still Soars”.


Karen's Purple Shirt Party - Saturday, June 8, 2019


The 2nd Annual Karen’s Purple Shirt Party is quickly approaching. Come out and celebrate the life of Karen Wagenaar. All proceeds from the event will be donated to the ALS Society of Alberta and will help families living with and affected by ALS.

 Two years have passed since we lost Karen to this devastating disease ALS.  Karen was only 48 years old when she was taken from us.  Her battle was short at only 13 and ½ months.  She left behind a husband and four boys.  Karen fought ALS with courage and her faith.  Karen’s Purple Shirt Party was conceived as the first anniversary of her passing approached. It was to be a time of healing with family and friends; a backyard celebration of Karen’s life. Good food, good friends, good stories, and a time to reminisce. The idea to add fundraiser was a last-minute thought. We raised $ 25,000 that evening and Karen’s Purple Shirt Party was born. This year, we have shifted to a fundraiser event with Karen being the main theme. ALS claimed Karen’s father Glen, 10 years before Karen and just recently, her cousin Jackie was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 54. Our cause and mission are clear. We must do our part in ending and solving the puzzle of ALS.  Our hope in raising money and awareness is to also make sure people living with ALS have the tools and support they need as they live with the ever-increasing challenges ALS brings! The support that our family received from the ALS Society of Alberta was a Godsend!  Our commitment to them to ensure they have the equipment they need is first and foremost in our fundraising.

                Considering this, we would like to invite you to our second annual Karen’s Purple Shirt Party on June 8th. We have expanded our activities to include a 3 on 3 ball hockey tournament. We invite many teams to enter for a fee of $ 100/team.  Karen was a fan of all things hockey so our tournament will be called Karen’s 3 on 3 for ALS! A silent auction including hockey memorabilia but also many other things, will be included. Join us for a complimentary barbeque dinner, enjoy a guest speaker from the ALS Society of Alberta and relax with some wonderful music. It’s our family’s hope to share an evening of great entertainment that is worthy of you attending. All costs associated with our event are paid for by Karen’s Legacy Fund so that 100 % of the money raised can go to ALS. We only ask that you donate at the event, enter a team in Karen’s 3 on 3 for ALS, or donate on-line through ALS Society of Alberta. Come out on June 8th and spend an evening with our family, good friends, and new friends. Join us in finding a cure for this disease. The medical community says they are as close as 20-25 years from cracking the code on ALS. We must believe and have hope that they are right.

Wear something purple in honor of Karen.

The event is free to attend, please RSVP

For more event details please check out the Karen’s Purple Shirt Party Facebook page